EU Granted Project

Rappresentazione, analisi e simulazione di modelli digitali per la stampa 3D

Short Title: CAxMan

Principal Investigator: Michela Spagnuolo
Project Areas: Fabbrica del Futuro
Research Activities: Modellazione, analisi e confronto di forme geometriche | Analisi numerica e calcolo scientifico


Lorenzo Tamellini

Funding Body

EC - H2020 FoF-08-2015

Year of start/end

2015 / 2020


DIT.AD008.003 - EU.680448

Project Web Site


The objectives of Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing (CAxMan) are to establish Cloud based Toolboxes, Workflows and a One Stop-Shop for CAx-technologies supporting the design, simulation and process planning for Additive Manufacturing.

The project will deliver a Cloud Portal in form of a marketplace for Cloud applications and services addressing the design, analysis and production chain for Additive Manufacturing. Hence, all necessary software components to act as a Broker of such services will be developed in CAxMan.

CNR-IMATI participates with two units, Genova and Pavia, with focus on the delivery of optimized process planning for 3D printing with additive manufacturing technologies (WP3 leadership, Marco Attene) and focus on the development of advanced analysis-based design approaches using isogeometry analysis approaches.


ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies

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