International Project

Monitoraggio Adattivo in Tempo Reale con Automazione del Campionamento - Aree Costiere Portuali

Short Title: MATRAC-ACP

Principal Investigator: Michela Mortara
Project Areas: Robotica e Automatica


Daniela Cabiddu, Simone Pittaluga, Serena Berretta


PhD position funded by IMATI

Funding Body

Eu Programma di Cooperazione Interreg V-A Italia Francia Marittimo 2014-2020

Year of start/end

2018 / 2021




MATRAC-ACP helps to increase the protection of marine waters in ports by improving the quality of monitoring through highly automated robotic systems and methodologies of adaptive sampling.
Ports will be able to guarantee the most effective, repetitive and accurate water monitoring, using homogeneous procedures, through scalable technological solutions in terms of cooperation between robotic systems, automated systems and human operators.
The activity will be validated in collaboration with the port authorities of Genoa and Toulon. The Consortium includes: CNR-ISSIA (Coordinator), CNR-IMATI, University of Genoa (DISTAV) and IFREMER.
In the project, IMATI is mainly concerned with the 3D modeling of the environment (water and seafloor) and collaborates with DISTAV for the design and implementation of the adaptive sampling on the 3D domain.


Asse prioritario del Programma2-Protezione e valorizzazione delle risorse naturali e culturali e gestione dei rischi - Obiettivo specifico della Priorità d'Investimento 6C2-Accrescere la protezione delle acque marine nei porti.

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