Alexandre Pousse
Postdoc Research Fellow
"Doctorat" degree (Ph.D.) in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Gravitational Dynamical Systems - Paris Observatory, 2016.
"Master" degree (M.Sc.) in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Gravitational Dynamical Systems - Paris Observatory, 2012.
"Maîtrise" degree (M.Sc.year-1) in Mathematics - University of Tours, 2011.
"Maîtrise" degree (M.Sc.year-1) in Astronomy & Astrophysics - Paris Observatory, 2010.
"Licence" degree (B.Sc.) in Mathematics - University of Tours, 2009.
Research Activity
My field of expertise concerns celestial mechanics and astrodynamics problems, studied by means of perturbation theory, analytic developemnts and numerical methods. I’m especially interested to the three-body problem (3BP) in the framework of:
- an asteroid or a spacecraft that orbit the Sun in some resonant regime with a planet,
- potential exo-planetary systems.
My special research results and expertise concern the co-orbital motion (also called 1:1 Mean-Motion Resonance), that is the dynamics of two "small" bodies (two planets or a planet and an asteroid) which orbit the Sun or a star with the same period of revolution.
From the mathematical point-of-view, I work in the framework of dynamical systems. More specifically, I study the existence of normal forms in the purpose of showing the existence and the persistence of certain particular dynamics in finite dimension. In particular, my works focus on the existence and stability of periodic or diophantine quasi-periodic invariant torii in the 3BP.
Mainly through algebraic computations (construction of normal forms with computer algebra systems), rigorous estimations of analytic developments and with the help of numerical studies, I intend to prove theorems of existence and stability over infinite or finite but large timescales via KAM & Nekhoroshev theories or -- at least -- improve the understanding of peculiar types of motion.
2020. "On the co-orbital motion in three-body problem: the existence of quasi-periodic horseshoe-shaped orbits"
L. Niederman, A. Pousse, and P. Robutel, Commun. Math. Phys., 377, 551-612.
Janus and Epimetheus are two moons of Saturn with very peculiar motions. As they orbit around Saturn on quasi-coplanar and quasi-circular trajectories whose radii are only 50 km apart (less than their respective diameters), every four (terrestrial) years the bodies approach each other and their mutual gravitational influence lead to a swapping of the orbits: the outer moon becomes the inner one and vice-versa. This behavior generates [...] arXiv:1806.07262
2017. "On the co-orbital motion in the planar restricted three-body problem: the quasi-satellite motion revisited"
A. Pousse, P. Robutel, and A. Vienne, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 128 (4): 383-407.
In the framework of the planar and circular restricted three-body problem, we consider an asteroid that orbits the Sun in quasi-satellite motion with a planet. A quasi-satellite trajectory is a heliocentric orbit in co-orbital resonance with the planet, characterized by a nonzero eccentricity and a resonant angle that librates around zero. Likewise, in the rotating frame with the planet, it describes the same trajectory as the one of a retrograde satellite [...] arXiv:1603.06543
2016. "Rigorous treatment of the averaging process for co-orbital motions in the planetary problem"
P. Robutel, L. Niederman, and A. Pousse, Comp. and Applied Mathematics, 35: 675-699.
We develop a rigorous analytical Hamiltonian formalism adapted to the study of the motion of two planets in co-orbital resonance. By constructing a complex domain of holomorphy for the planetary Hamiltonian, we estimate the size of the transformation that maps this Hamiltonian to its first order averaged over one of the fast angles. After having derived an integrable approximation of the averaged problem [...] arXiv:1506.02870
2013. "On the co-orbital motion of two planets in quasi-circular orbits"
P. Robutel and A. Pousse, Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron., 117 (1): 17-40.
We develop an analytical Hamiltonian formalism adapted to the study of themotion of two planets in co-orbital resonance. The Hamiltonian, averaged over one of the planetary mean longitudes, is expanded in power series of eccentricities and inclinations. The model, which is valid in the entire co-orbital region, possesses an integrable approximation modeling the planar and quasi-circular motions. First, focusing on the fixed points [...] arXiv:1304.1048
2018. "Janus et Epimethee: un ballet perpetuel autour de Saturne? De l’observation astronomique à la theorie KAM"
A. Pousse, L. Niederman, and P. Robutel, Images des Mathematiques, CNRS.
(In French) Popular science article associated with the work "On the co-orbital motion in the three-body problem: existence of quasi-periodic horseshoe-shaped orbits" from the same authors. Janus and Epimetheus are two moons of Saturn which exhibit a really peculiar dynamics. As they orbit on circular trajectories whose radii are only 50 km apart (less than their respective diameters), every four (terrestrial) years the bodies are getting closer and their mutual gravitational influence leads to a swapping of the orbits: the outer moon becoming the inner one and vice-versa. In this article, we describe how, from this specific astronomical problem to the KAM theory, we came to prove the existence of perpetually stable trajectories associated with the Janus and Epimetheus orbits. arXiv:1807.10220
2014. "The family of Quasi-satellite periodic orbits in the circular co-planar RTBP".
A. Pousse, P. Robutel, and A. Vienne, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 9(S310), 172-173.
2016. "Les quasi-satellites et autres configurations remarquables en resonance co-orbitale"
A. Pousse, Ecole doctorale Astronomie et astrophysique d’Ile-de-France
(In French) This work of thesis focuses on the study of the coorbital resonance. This domain of particular trajectories, where an asteroid and a planet gravitate around the Sun with the same period possesses a very rich dynamics connected to the famous Lagrange’s equilateral configurations L4 and L5, as well as to the Eulerian’s configurations L1, L2 and L3. A major example in the solar system is given by the "Trojan" asteroids harboured by Jupiter in the neighborhood of L4 and L5. A second astonishing configuration is given by the system Saturn-Janus-Epimetheus; this peculiar dynamics is known as "horseshoe". Recently, a new type of dynamics has been highlighted in the context of co-orbital resonance: the quasi-satellites. They correspond to remarkable configurations : in the rotating frame with the planet, the trajectory of the asteroid seems the one of a retrograde satellite. Some asteroids harboured by Venus, Jupiter and the Earth have been observed in this kind of configuration. The quasi-satellite dynamics possesses great interest not only because it connects the different domains of the co-orbital resonance (see works of Namouni, 1999), but also because it seems to bridge the gap between satellization and heliocentric trajectories. However, despite the term quasi-satellite has become dominant in the celestial mechanics community, some authors rather use the term "retrograde satellite". This reveals an ambiguity on the definition of these trajectories. For these reasons, the first part of this thesis consisted in clarifying the definition of these orbits by revisiting the planar-circular case (planet on circular motion) in the framework of the averaged problem. In the second part of this thesis, we developed an analytic method to explore the quasi-satellite domain in the averaged problem. We realized this exploration in the planar-circular case and proposed an extension to the planar-eccentric and spatial-circular cases. The recent discoveries around the exo-planets motivated some works on the co-orbital resonance in the planetary Three-Body Problem. In this context, Giuppone et al. (2010) highlighted (numerically) the quasi-satellite as well as new families of remarkable configurations: the "anti-Lagrange". Then the third part of this thesis presents an analytical method for the planetary problem that allows to reveal the anti-Lagrange orbits as well as a sketch of study of quasi-satellite trajectories.