Marco Attene
Senior Researcher
Laurea degree (MSc) - Computer Science Doctorate (PhD) - Computer Engineering
Research Activity
Computer graphics and geometric modelling. Mathematical and computational tools for digital representation of geometric objects. 3D printing.
2023, Journal article
Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedrization: A Robust and Practical Approach
Lorenzo Diazzi, Daniele Panozzo, Amix Vaxman, Marco Attene
We present a numerically robust algorithm for computing the constrainedDelaunay tetrahedrization (CDT) of a piecewise-linear complex, which hasa 100% success rate on the 4408 valid models in the Thing...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3618352
2023, Journal article
Exploration of 3D motorcycle complexes from hexahedral meshes
Erkan Gunpinar, Marco Livesu, Marco Attene
Shape decompositions that are guided by a motorcycle graph endow topological properties that arerelevant for many engineering applications, such as T-spline fitting, shape compression and structuredme...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2023.06.005
2022, Journal article
Fast and Exact Root Parity for Continuous Collision Detection
Bolun Wang, Zachary Ferguson, Xin Jiang, Marco Attene, Daniele Panozzo, Teseo Schneider
We introduce the first exact root parity counter for continuous collision detection (CCD). That is, our algorithm computes theparity (even or odd) of the number of roots of the cubic polynomial arisin...
2022, Journal article
Interactive and Robust Mesh Booleans
G. Cherchi, F. Pellacini, M. Attene, M. Livesu
Boolean operations are among the most used paradigms to create and editdigital shapes. Despite being conceptually simple, the computation of meshBooleans is notoriously challenging. Main issues come f...
2021, Journal article
A Large-scale Benchmark and an Inclusion-based Algorithm for Continuous Collision Detection
B. Wang, Z. Ferguson, T. Schneider, X. Jiang, M. Attene, D. Panozzo
We introduce a large-scale benchmark for continuous collision detection(CCD) algorithms, composed of queries manually constructed to highlightchallenging degenerate cases and automatically generated u...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3460775
2021, Journal article
Benchmarking the geometrical robustness of a Virtual Element Poisson solver
M.Attene,S. Biasotti, S. Bertoluzza, D. Cabiddu, M. Livesu, G. Patanè, M. Pennacchio, D. Prada, and M. Spagnuolo
Polytopal Element Methods (PEM) allow us solving differential equations on generalpolygonal and polyhedral grids, potentially offering great flexibility to meshgeneration algorithms. Differently from ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2021.07.018
2021, Journal article
Convex polyhedral meshing for robust solid modeling
L. Diazzi and M. Attene
We introduce a new technique to create a mesh of convex polyhedra representing the interior volume of a triangulated input surface. Our approach is particularly tolerant to defects in the input, which...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3478513.3480564
2021, Journal article
Deterministic Linear Time Constrained Triangulation using Simplified Earcut
M.Livesu, G. Cherchi, R. Scateni, M. Attene
Triangulation algorithms that conform to a set of non-intersecting input segments typically proceed in an incremental fashion, by inserting points first, and then segments. Inserting a segment amounts...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3070046
2020, Journal article
Exact and Efficient Polyhedral Envelope Containment Check
B. Wang, T. Schneider, Y. Hu, M. Attene, D. Panozzo
We introduce a new technique to check containment of a triangle within anenvelope built around a given triangle mesh. While existing methods conservativelycheck containment within a Euclidean envelope...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3386569.3392426
2020, Journal article
Fast and robust mesh arrangements using floating-point arithmetic
G. Cherchi, M. Livesu, R. Scateni and M. Attene
We introduce a novel algorithm to transform any generic set of triangles in 3D space into a well-formed simplicial complex. Intersecting elements in the input are correctly identified, subdivided, and...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3414685.3417818
2020, Journal article
Indirect Predicates for Geometric Constructions
M. Attene
Geometric predicates are a basic ingredient to implement a vast range of algorithms in computational geometry. Modern implementations employ floating point filtering techniques to combine efficiency a...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2020.102856
2020, Journal article
Parametric shape optimization for combined additive-subtractive manufacturing
L. Tamellini, M.Chiumenti, C. Altenhofen, M. Attene, O. Barrowclough, M. Livesu, F. Marini, M. Martinelli, and V. Skytt V.
In industrial practice, additive manufacturing (AM) processes are often followed by post-processing operations such as heat treatment, subtractive machining, milling, etc., to achieve the desired surf...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s11837-019-03886-x
2019, Journal article
slice2mesh: a Meshing Tool for the Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
M. Livesu, D. Cabiddu, M. Attene
Accurately simulating additive manufacturing (AM) processes is useful to predict printing failures and test 3D printing without wasting precious resources, both in terms of time and material. In AM th...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2019.03.004
2019, Journal article
Surface2Volume: Surface Segmentation Conforming Assemblable Volumetric Partition
C. Araújo, D. Cabiddu, M. Attene, M. Livesu, N. Vining, A. Sheffer
Users frequently seek to fabricate objects whose outer surfaces consist ofregions with different surface attributes, such as color or material. Manufac-turing such objects in a single piece is often c...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3306346.3323004
2018, Journal article
As-exact-as-possible repair of unprintable STL files
M. Attene
Purpose: The class of models that can be represented by STL files is larger than the class of models that can be printed using additive manufacturing technologies. Stated differently, there exist well...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-11-2016-0185
2017, Journal article
epsilon-maps: Characterizing, detecting and thickening thin features in geometric models
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We focus on the analysis of planar shapes and solid objects having thin features and propose a new mathematical model to characterize them. Based on our model, that we call an is an element of-shape, ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2017.05.014
2017, Journal article
Explicit cylindrical maps for general tubular shapes
M. Livesu, M. Attene, G. Patané, and M. Spagnuolo
A solid cylindrical parameterization is a volumetric map between a tubular shape and a right cylinder embedded in the polar coordinate reference system. This paper introduces a novel approach to deriv...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2017.05.002
2017, Journal article
From 3D models to 3D prints: an overview of the processing pipeline
M. Livesu, S. Ellero, J. Martínez, S. Lefebvre, and M. Attene
Due to the wide diffusion of 3D printing technologies, geometric algorithms for Additive Manufacturing are being inventedat an impressive speed. Each single step along the processing pipeline that pre...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/cgf.13147
2017, Journal article
ImatiSTL - Fast and reliable mesh processing with a hybrid kernel
M. Attene
A novel approach is presented to deal with geometric computations while joining the efficiency of floating point representations with the robustness of exact arithmetic. Our approach is based on a hyb...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54563-8_5
2017, Journal article
Processing large geometric datasets in distributed environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We describe an innovative Web-based platform to remotely perform complex geometry processing on large triangle meshes. A graphical user interface allows combining available algorithms to build complex...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54563-8_6
2017, Journal article
The system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 under pressure: A computational study of melting relations and phase diagrams
D. Belmonte, G. Ottonello, M.V. Zuccolini, and M. Attene
A computational scheme to predict melting phase relations in multi-component systems at high pressure and temperature is presented and applied to the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS) compositional system. A combi...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.11.011
2016, Journal article
A web repository to describe and execute shape oriented workflows
M. Attene, D. Cabiddu, S. Gagliardo, F. Giannini, and M. Monti
The effective use of advanced tools and geometric models across different applications frequentlyrequires model processing to satisfy the application requirements. Besides being time consumingprocesse...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1080/16864360.2016.1150710
2016, Journal article
CAxMan: Design for additive manufacturing made easy and cost-effective
G. Barbagelata, M. Attene, and T. Dokken
CAxMan will establish novel workflows and services for discrete manufacturing (combinations of additive and subtractive), by showcasing the CAx-technologies as cloud-based services and workflows, from...
CNR@People | Link
2016, Journal article
Shape and Semantics Modelling: la ricerca dell'IMATI - CNR per la rappresentazione, l'analisi e la documentazione di modelli digitali 3D e le sue applicazioni ai Beni Culturali
B. Falcidieno, F. Giannini, M. Spagnuolo, M. Attene, S. Biasotti, C. Catalano,M. De Martino, M. Monti, M. Mortara, e C. Pizzi
La missione dell'Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "E. Magenes" (IMATI), conle sue tre sezioni di Pavia, Milano e Genova, è quella di fornire le conoscenze e le infrast...
CNR@People | Link
2015, Journal article
Large mesh simplification for distributed environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
An algorithm is described to simplify arbitrarily large triangle meshes while leveraging the computing power of modern distributed environments. Our method combines the flexibility of out-of-core (OOC...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2015.05.015
2015, Journal article
Shapes in a box: Disassembling 3D objects for efficient packing and fabrication
M. Attene
Modern 3D printing technologies and the upcoming mass-customization paradigm call for efficient methods to produce anddistribute arbitrarily shaped 3D objects. This paper introduces an original algori...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12608
2014, Journal article
Direct repair of self-intersecting meshes
M. Attene
A fast and exact algorithm to eliminate intersections from arbitrary triangle meshes is presented, without any strict requirement on the input. Differently from most recent approaches, our method does...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.gmod.2014.09.002
2013, Journal article
Polygon Mesh Repairing: An Application Perspective
M. Attene, M. Campen, and L. Kobbelt
Nowadays, digital 3D models are in widespread and ubiquitous use, and each specific application dealingwith 3D geometry has its own quality requirements that restrict the class of acceptable and suppo...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/2431211.2431214
2013, Journal article
Steepest descent paths on simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimensions
M. Natali, M. Attene, and G. Ottonello
This paper introduces an algorithm to compute steepest descent paths on multivariate piecewise-linear functions on Euclidean domains of arbitrary dimensions and topology. The domain of the function is...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2013.05.003
2013, Journal article
The VISIONAIR Infrastructure Capabilities to Support Research
M. Attene, F. Giannini, M. Pitikakis and M. Spagnuolo
The development of information technologies, the increasing complexity of theinformation to be handled and analyzed, along with the growing capacities in scientificand engineering simulations, call fo...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.3722/cadaps.2013.851-862
2013, Journal article
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques
G. Ottonello, M. Attene, D. Ameglio, D. Belmonte, M. Vetuschi Zuccolini, and M. Natali
The system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CAS) is explored in the pressure-temperature (P, T) range 0-2 GPa and 1000-3000 K with the aim of defining the complex topology of the liquidus surface at various isobaric c...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.09.018
2011, Journal article
Computational Geometry meets Material Science
M. Attene and G. Ottonello
Computational geometry is not just a tool for computer graphics - its applications in Material Science are opening unexpected possibilities and exciting new research challenges.
CNR@People | Link
2011, Journal article
Geometric Models with Weighted Topology
M. Attene and S. Biasotti
This paper introduces the concept of weighted topology to model a 3D object whose connectivity and metric depend on a novel notion of weighted arc-length. The weighted arc-length between any two point...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2011.03.013
2011, Journal article
Part-in-whole 3D shape matching and docking
M. Attene, S. Marini, M. Spagnuolo, and B. Falcidieno
A new algorithmic framework is proposed to efficiently recognize instances of template shapes within target 3D models or scenes. The new framework provides an efficient solution of the part-in-whole m...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s00371-011-0622-7
2011, Journal article
VISIONAIR: VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research
A. Kopecki, U. Woessner, D. Mavrikios, L. Rentzos, C. Weidig, L. Roucoules, O.-D. Ntofon, G. Dumont, D. Bundgens, A. Milecki, P. Baranyi, M. Attene, F. Giannini, and M. Spagnuolo
The development of information technologies, theincreasing complexity of the information to be handled andanalysed along with the increasing capacities in scientific andengineering simulations call fo...
CNR@People | Link
2010, Journal article
A lightweight approach to repairing digitized polygon meshes
M. Attene
When designing novel algorithms for geometricprocessing and analysis, researchers often assume that theinput conforms to several requirements. On the other hand,polygon meshes obtained from acquisitio...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s00371-010-0416-3
2010, Journal article
Hierarchical Structure Recovery of Point-Sampled Surfaces
M. Attene and G. Patané
We focus on the class of 'regular' models defined by Varady et al. for reverse engineering purposes. Given a3D surface M represented through a dense set of points, we present a novel algorithm that co...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01658.x
2010, Journal article
Thesaurus-based 3D Object Retrieval with Part-in-Whole Matching
A. Ferreira, S. Marini, M. Attene, M. J. Fonseca, M. Spagnuolo, J. A. Jorge, and B. Falcidieno
Research in content-based 3D retrieval has already started, and several approaches have been proposed which use in different manner a similarity assessment to match the shape of the query against the ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s11263-009-0257-6
2009, Journal article
Characterization of 3D shape parts for semantic annotation
Marco Attene; Francesco Robbiano; Michela Spagnuolo; Bianca Falcidieno
3D content stored in big databases or shared on the Internet is a precious resource for several applications, but unfortunately it risks being underexploited due to the difficulty of retrieving it eff...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2009.01.003
2009, Journal article
On converting sets of tetrahedra to combinatorial and PL manifolds
Attene M.; Giorgi D.; Ferri M.; Falcidieno B.
We investigate the problem of removing singularities from a non-manifold tetrahedralmesh so as to convert it to a more exploitable manifold representation. Given thetwofold combinatorial and geometric...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cagd.2009.06.002
2008, Journal article
Hierarchical Convex Approximation of 3D Shapes for Fast Region Selection
Attene Marco; Mortara Michela; Spagnuolo Michela; Falcidieno Bianca
Given a 3D solid model S represented by a tetrahedral mesh, we describe a novel algorithm to compute a hierarchyof convex polyhedra that tightly enclose S. The hierarchy can be browsed at interactive ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2008.01271.x
2007, Journal article
Semantic Annotation of 3D Surface Meshes based on Feature Characterization
Attene M., Robbiano F., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2006, Journal article
Computational methods for understanding 3D shapes
Attene M.; Biasotti S.; Mortara M.; Patané G.; Spagnuolo M.; Falcidieno B.
Understanding shapes has been a challenging issue for many years, firstly motivated by computer vision and more recently by manycomplex applications in diverse fields, such as medical imaging, animati...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2006.02.007
2006, Journal article
Hierarchical mesh segmentation based on fitting primitives
Attene Marco; Falcidieno Bianca; Spagnuolo Michela
In this paper, we describe a hierarchical face clustering algorithm for triangle meshes based on fitting primitives belonging to an arbitrary set. The method proposed is completely automatic, and gene...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s00371-006-0375-x
2005, Journal article
Sharpen&Bend: Recovering Curved Sharp Edges in Triangle Meshes Produced by Feature-Insensitive Sampling
Attene Marco; Falcidieno Bianca; Rossignac Jarek; Spagnuolo Michela
Various acquisition, analysis, visualization, and compression approaches sample surfaces of 3D shapes in a uniform fashion without any attempt to align the samples with sharp edges or to adapt the sam...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2005.34
2003, Journal article
A mapping-independent primitive for the triangulation of parametric surfaces
Attene M. (1), Falcidieno B. (1), Spagnuolo M. (1), Wyvill G. (2)
This paper describes a new technique for the triangulation of parametric surfaces. Most earlier methods sample the parameter domain, and the wrong choice of parameterization can spoil the triangulatio...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/S1524-0703(03)00048-1
2003, Journal article
Shape understanding by contour-driven retiling
Attene M. (1), Biasotti S. (1), Spagnuolo M. (1)
Given a triangle mesh representing a closed manifold surface of arbitrary genus, a method is proposed to automatically extract the Reeb graph of the manifold with respect to the height function. The m...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s00371-002-0182-y128
2003, Journal article
SwingWrapper: Retiling Triangle Meshes for Better EdgeBreaker Compression
We focus on the lossy compression of manifold triangle meshes. Our SwingWrapper approach partitions the surface of an originalmesh M into simply connected regions, called triangloids. From these, we g...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/944020.944022
2000, Journal article
Automatic surface reconstruction from point sets in space
Marco Attene; Michela Spagnuolo
In this paper an algorithm is proposed that takes as input a generic set of unorganized points, sampled on a real object, and returns a closed interpolating surface. Specifically, this method generate...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/1467-8659.00438
Constrained Delaunay Tetrahedrization: A Robust and Practical Approach
Lorenzo Diazzi, Daniele Panozzo, Amix Vaxman, Marco Attene
We present a numerically robust algorithm for computing the constrainedDelaunay tetrahedrization (CDT) of a piecewise-linear complex, which hasa 100% success rate on the 4408 valid models in the Thing...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3618352
2023, Journal article
Exploration of 3D motorcycle complexes from hexahedral meshes
Erkan Gunpinar, Marco Livesu, Marco Attene
Shape decompositions that are guided by a motorcycle graph endow topological properties that arerelevant for many engineering applications, such as T-spline fitting, shape compression and structuredme...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2023.06.005
2022, Journal article
Fast and Exact Root Parity for Continuous Collision Detection
Bolun Wang, Zachary Ferguson, Xin Jiang, Marco Attene, Daniele Panozzo, Teseo Schneider
We introduce the first exact root parity counter for continuous collision detection (CCD). That is, our algorithm computes theparity (even or odd) of the number of roots of the cubic polynomial arisin...
2022, Journal article
Interactive and Robust Mesh Booleans
G. Cherchi, F. Pellacini, M. Attene, M. Livesu
Boolean operations are among the most used paradigms to create and editdigital shapes. Despite being conceptually simple, the computation of meshBooleans is notoriously challenging. Main issues come f...
2021, Journal article
A Large-scale Benchmark and an Inclusion-based Algorithm for Continuous Collision Detection
B. Wang, Z. Ferguson, T. Schneider, X. Jiang, M. Attene, D. Panozzo
We introduce a large-scale benchmark for continuous collision detection(CCD) algorithms, composed of queries manually constructed to highlightchallenging degenerate cases and automatically generated u...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3460775
2021, Journal article
Benchmarking the geometrical robustness of a Virtual Element Poisson solver
M.Attene,S. Biasotti, S. Bertoluzza, D. Cabiddu, M. Livesu, G. Patanè, M. Pennacchio, D. Prada, and M. Spagnuolo
Polytopal Element Methods (PEM) allow us solving differential equations on generalpolygonal and polyhedral grids, potentially offering great flexibility to meshgeneration algorithms. Differently from ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2021.07.018
2021, Journal article
Convex polyhedral meshing for robust solid modeling
L. Diazzi and M. Attene
We introduce a new technique to create a mesh of convex polyhedra representing the interior volume of a triangulated input surface. Our approach is particularly tolerant to defects in the input, which...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3478513.3480564
2021, Journal article
Deterministic Linear Time Constrained Triangulation using Simplified Earcut
M.Livesu, G. Cherchi, R. Scateni, M. Attene
Triangulation algorithms that conform to a set of non-intersecting input segments typically proceed in an incremental fashion, by inserting points first, and then segments. Inserting a segment amounts...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3070046
2020, Journal article
Exact and Efficient Polyhedral Envelope Containment Check
B. Wang, T. Schneider, Y. Hu, M. Attene, D. Panozzo
We introduce a new technique to check containment of a triangle within anenvelope built around a given triangle mesh. While existing methods conservativelycheck containment within a Euclidean envelope...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3386569.3392426
2020, Journal article
Fast and robust mesh arrangements using floating-point arithmetic
G. Cherchi, M. Livesu, R. Scateni and M. Attene
We introduce a novel algorithm to transform any generic set of triangles in 3D space into a well-formed simplicial complex. Intersecting elements in the input are correctly identified, subdivided, and...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3414685.3417818
2020, Journal article
Indirect Predicates for Geometric Constructions
M. Attene
Geometric predicates are a basic ingredient to implement a vast range of algorithms in computational geometry. Modern implementations employ floating point filtering techniques to combine efficiency a...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2020.102856
2020, Journal article
Parametric shape optimization for combined additive-subtractive manufacturing
L. Tamellini, M.Chiumenti, C. Altenhofen, M. Attene, O. Barrowclough, M. Livesu, F. Marini, M. Martinelli, and V. Skytt V.
In industrial practice, additive manufacturing (AM) processes are often followed by post-processing operations such as heat treatment, subtractive machining, milling, etc., to achieve the desired surf...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s11837-019-03886-x
2019, Journal article
slice2mesh: a Meshing Tool for the Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
M. Livesu, D. Cabiddu, M. Attene
Accurately simulating additive manufacturing (AM) processes is useful to predict printing failures and test 3D printing without wasting precious resources, both in terms of time and material. In AM th...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2019.03.004
2019, Journal article
Surface2Volume: Surface Segmentation Conforming Assemblable Volumetric Partition
C. Araújo, D. Cabiddu, M. Attene, M. Livesu, N. Vining, A. Sheffer
Users frequently seek to fabricate objects whose outer surfaces consist ofregions with different surface attributes, such as color or material. Manufac-turing such objects in a single piece is often c...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3306346.3323004
2018, Journal article
As-exact-as-possible repair of unprintable STL files
M. Attene
Purpose: The class of models that can be represented by STL files is larger than the class of models that can be printed using additive manufacturing technologies. Stated differently, there exist well...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-11-2016-0185
2017, Journal article
epsilon-maps: Characterizing, detecting and thickening thin features in geometric models
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We focus on the analysis of planar shapes and solid objects having thin features and propose a new mathematical model to characterize them. Based on our model, that we call an is an element of-shape, ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2017.05.014
2017, Journal article
Explicit cylindrical maps for general tubular shapes
M. Livesu, M. Attene, G. Patané, and M. Spagnuolo
A solid cylindrical parameterization is a volumetric map between a tubular shape and a right cylinder embedded in the polar coordinate reference system. This paper introduces a novel approach to deriv...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2017.05.002
2017, Journal article
From 3D models to 3D prints: an overview of the processing pipeline
M. Livesu, S. Ellero, J. Martínez, S. Lefebvre, and M. Attene
Due to the wide diffusion of 3D printing technologies, geometric algorithms for Additive Manufacturing are being inventedat an impressive speed. Each single step along the processing pipeline that pre...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/cgf.13147
2017, Journal article
ImatiSTL - Fast and reliable mesh processing with a hybrid kernel
M. Attene
A novel approach is presented to deal with geometric computations while joining the efficiency of floating point representations with the robustness of exact arithmetic. Our approach is based on a hyb...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54563-8_5
2017, Journal article
Processing large geometric datasets in distributed environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We describe an innovative Web-based platform to remotely perform complex geometry processing on large triangle meshes. A graphical user interface allows combining available algorithms to build complex...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54563-8_6
2017, Journal article
The system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 under pressure: A computational study of melting relations and phase diagrams
D. Belmonte, G. Ottonello, M.V. Zuccolini, and M. Attene
A computational scheme to predict melting phase relations in multi-component systems at high pressure and temperature is presented and applied to the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS) compositional system. A combi...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.11.011
2016, Journal article
A web repository to describe and execute shape oriented workflows
M. Attene, D. Cabiddu, S. Gagliardo, F. Giannini, and M. Monti
The effective use of advanced tools and geometric models across different applications frequentlyrequires model processing to satisfy the application requirements. Besides being time consumingprocesse...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1080/16864360.2016.1150710
2016, Journal article
CAxMan: Design for additive manufacturing made easy and cost-effective
G. Barbagelata, M. Attene, and T. Dokken
CAxMan will establish novel workflows and services for discrete manufacturing (combinations of additive and subtractive), by showcasing the CAx-technologies as cloud-based services and workflows, from...
CNR@People | Link
2016, Journal article
Shape and Semantics Modelling: la ricerca dell'IMATI - CNR per la rappresentazione, l'analisi e la documentazione di modelli digitali 3D e le sue applicazioni ai Beni Culturali
B. Falcidieno, F. Giannini, M. Spagnuolo, M. Attene, S. Biasotti, C. Catalano,M. De Martino, M. Monti, M. Mortara, e C. Pizzi
La missione dell'Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "E. Magenes" (IMATI), conle sue tre sezioni di Pavia, Milano e Genova, è quella di fornire le conoscenze e le infrast...
CNR@People | Link
2015, Journal article
Large mesh simplification for distributed environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
An algorithm is described to simplify arbitrarily large triangle meshes while leveraging the computing power of modern distributed environments. Our method combines the flexibility of out-of-core (OOC...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2015.05.015
2015, Journal article
Shapes in a box: Disassembling 3D objects for efficient packing and fabrication
M. Attene
Modern 3D printing technologies and the upcoming mass-customization paradigm call for efficient methods to produce anddistribute arbitrarily shaped 3D objects. This paper introduces an original algori...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12608
2014, Journal article
Direct repair of self-intersecting meshes
M. Attene
A fast and exact algorithm to eliminate intersections from arbitrary triangle meshes is presented, without any strict requirement on the input. Differently from most recent approaches, our method does...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.gmod.2014.09.002
2013, Journal article
Polygon Mesh Repairing: An Application Perspective
M. Attene, M. Campen, and L. Kobbelt
Nowadays, digital 3D models are in widespread and ubiquitous use, and each specific application dealingwith 3D geometry has its own quality requirements that restrict the class of acceptable and suppo...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/2431211.2431214
2013, Journal article
Steepest descent paths on simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimensions
M. Natali, M. Attene, and G. Ottonello
This paper introduces an algorithm to compute steepest descent paths on multivariate piecewise-linear functions on Euclidean domains of arbitrary dimensions and topology. The domain of the function is...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2013.05.003
2013, Journal article
The VISIONAIR Infrastructure Capabilities to Support Research
M. Attene, F. Giannini, M. Pitikakis and M. Spagnuolo
The development of information technologies, the increasing complexity of theinformation to be handled and analyzed, along with the growing capacities in scientificand engineering simulations, call fo...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.3722/cadaps.2013.851-862
2013, Journal article
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques
G. Ottonello, M. Attene, D. Ameglio, D. Belmonte, M. Vetuschi Zuccolini, and M. Natali
The system CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CAS) is explored in the pressure-temperature (P, T) range 0-2 GPa and 1000-3000 K with the aim of defining the complex topology of the liquidus surface at various isobaric c...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.09.018
2011, Journal article
Computational Geometry meets Material Science
M. Attene and G. Ottonello
Computational geometry is not just a tool for computer graphics - its applications in Material Science are opening unexpected possibilities and exciting new research challenges.
CNR@People | Link
2011, Journal article
Geometric Models with Weighted Topology
M. Attene and S. Biasotti
This paper introduces the concept of weighted topology to model a 3D object whose connectivity and metric depend on a novel notion of weighted arc-length. The weighted arc-length between any two point...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2011.03.013
2011, Journal article
Part-in-whole 3D shape matching and docking
M. Attene, S. Marini, M. Spagnuolo, and B. Falcidieno
A new algorithmic framework is proposed to efficiently recognize instances of template shapes within target 3D models or scenes. The new framework provides an efficient solution of the part-in-whole m...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s00371-011-0622-7
2011, Journal article
VISIONAIR: VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research
A. Kopecki, U. Woessner, D. Mavrikios, L. Rentzos, C. Weidig, L. Roucoules, O.-D. Ntofon, G. Dumont, D. Bundgens, A. Milecki, P. Baranyi, M. Attene, F. Giannini, and M. Spagnuolo
The development of information technologies, theincreasing complexity of the information to be handled andanalysed along with the increasing capacities in scientific andengineering simulations call fo...
CNR@People | Link
2010, Journal article
A lightweight approach to repairing digitized polygon meshes
M. Attene
When designing novel algorithms for geometricprocessing and analysis, researchers often assume that theinput conforms to several requirements. On the other hand,polygon meshes obtained from acquisitio...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s00371-010-0416-3
2010, Journal article
Hierarchical Structure Recovery of Point-Sampled Surfaces
M. Attene and G. Patané
We focus on the class of 'regular' models defined by Varady et al. for reverse engineering purposes. Given a3D surface M represented through a dense set of points, we present a novel algorithm that co...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01658.x
2010, Journal article
Thesaurus-based 3D Object Retrieval with Part-in-Whole Matching
A. Ferreira, S. Marini, M. Attene, M. J. Fonseca, M. Spagnuolo, J. A. Jorge, and B. Falcidieno
Research in content-based 3D retrieval has already started, and several approaches have been proposed which use in different manner a similarity assessment to match the shape of the query against the ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s11263-009-0257-6
2009, Journal article
Characterization of 3D shape parts for semantic annotation
Marco Attene; Francesco Robbiano; Michela Spagnuolo; Bianca Falcidieno
3D content stored in big databases or shared on the Internet is a precious resource for several applications, but unfortunately it risks being underexploited due to the difficulty of retrieving it eff...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2009.01.003
2009, Journal article
On converting sets of tetrahedra to combinatorial and PL manifolds
Attene M.; Giorgi D.; Ferri M.; Falcidieno B.
We investigate the problem of removing singularities from a non-manifold tetrahedralmesh so as to convert it to a more exploitable manifold representation. Given thetwofold combinatorial and geometric...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cagd.2009.06.002
2008, Journal article
Hierarchical Convex Approximation of 3D Shapes for Fast Region Selection
Attene Marco; Mortara Michela; Spagnuolo Michela; Falcidieno Bianca
Given a 3D solid model S represented by a tetrahedral mesh, we describe a novel algorithm to compute a hierarchyof convex polyhedra that tightly enclose S. The hierarchy can be browsed at interactive ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2008.01271.x
2007, Journal article
Semantic Annotation of 3D Surface Meshes based on Feature Characterization
Attene M., Robbiano F., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2006, Journal article
Computational methods for understanding 3D shapes
Attene M.; Biasotti S.; Mortara M.; Patané G.; Spagnuolo M.; Falcidieno B.
Understanding shapes has been a challenging issue for many years, firstly motivated by computer vision and more recently by manycomplex applications in diverse fields, such as medical imaging, animati...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2006.02.007
2006, Journal article
Hierarchical mesh segmentation based on fitting primitives
Attene Marco; Falcidieno Bianca; Spagnuolo Michela
In this paper, we describe a hierarchical face clustering algorithm for triangle meshes based on fitting primitives belonging to an arbitrary set. The method proposed is completely automatic, and gene...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s00371-006-0375-x
2005, Journal article
Sharpen&Bend: Recovering Curved Sharp Edges in Triangle Meshes Produced by Feature-Insensitive Sampling
Attene Marco; Falcidieno Bianca; Rossignac Jarek; Spagnuolo Michela
Various acquisition, analysis, visualization, and compression approaches sample surfaces of 3D shapes in a uniform fashion without any attempt to align the samples with sharp edges or to adapt the sam...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2005.34
2003, Journal article
A mapping-independent primitive for the triangulation of parametric surfaces
Attene M. (1), Falcidieno B. (1), Spagnuolo M. (1), Wyvill G. (2)
This paper describes a new technique for the triangulation of parametric surfaces. Most earlier methods sample the parameter domain, and the wrong choice of parameterization can spoil the triangulatio...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/S1524-0703(03)00048-1
2003, Journal article
Shape understanding by contour-driven retiling
Attene M. (1), Biasotti S. (1), Spagnuolo M. (1)
Given a triangle mesh representing a closed manifold surface of arbitrary genus, a method is proposed to automatically extract the Reeb graph of the manifold with respect to the height function. The m...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s00371-002-0182-y128
2003, Journal article
SwingWrapper: Retiling Triangle Meshes for Better EdgeBreaker Compression
We focus on the lossy compression of manifold triangle meshes. Our SwingWrapper approach partitions the surface of an originalmesh M into simply connected regions, called triangloids. From these, we g...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/944020.944022
2000, Journal article
Automatic surface reconstruction from point sets in space
Marco Attene; Michela Spagnuolo
In this paper an algorithm is proposed that takes as input a generic set of unorganized points, sampled on a real object, and returns a closed interpolating surface. Specifically, this method generate...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1111/1467-8659.00438
2018, Book
Design, Representations and Processing for Additive Manufacturing
M. Attene, M. Livesu, S. Lefebvre, T. Funkhouser, S. Rusinkiewicz, S. Ellero, J. Martínez and A.Haim Bermano
The wide diffusion of 3D printing technologies continuously calls for effective solutions for designing and fabricating objects of increasing complexity. The so called "computational fabrication" pipe...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2200/S00847ED1V01Y201804VCP031
Design, Representations and Processing for Additive Manufacturing
M. Attene, M. Livesu, S. Lefebvre, T. Funkhouser, S. Rusinkiewicz, S. Ellero, J. Martínez and A.Haim Bermano
The wide diffusion of 3D printing technologies continuously calls for effective solutions for designing and fabricating objects of increasing complexity. The so called "computational fabrication" pipe...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2200/S00847ED1V01Y201804VCP031
2017, Essay or book chapter
Multi-layer ontologies for integrated 3D shape segmentation and annotation
T. Dietenbeck, F. Torkhani, A. Othmani, M. Attene, and J.-M. Favreau
Mesh segmentation and semantic annotation are used as preprocessingsteps formany applications, including shape retrieval, mesh abstraction, and adaptivesimplification. In current practice, these two s...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45763-5_10
2008, Essay or book chapter
Recent Advances in Remeshing of Surfaces
Pierre Alliez; Giuliana Ucelli; Craig Gotsman; Marco Attene
Remeshing is a key component of many geometric algorithms, including modeling,editing, animation and simulation. As such, the rapidly developing field of geometryprocessing has produced a profusion of...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-33265-7_2
Multi-layer ontologies for integrated 3D shape segmentation and annotation
T. Dietenbeck, F. Torkhani, A. Othmani, M. Attene, and J.-M. Favreau
Mesh segmentation and semantic annotation are used as preprocessingsteps formany applications, including shape retrieval, mesh abstraction, and adaptivesimplification. In current practice, these two s...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45763-5_10
2008, Essay or book chapter
Recent Advances in Remeshing of Surfaces
Pierre Alliez; Giuliana Ucelli; Craig Gotsman; Marco Attene
Remeshing is a key component of many geometric algorithms, including modeling,editing, animation and simulation. As such, the rapidly developing field of geometryprocessing has produced a profusion of...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-33265-7_2
2018, Conference proceedings
slice2mesh: meshing sliced data for the simulation of AM Processes
M. Livesu, D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
Accurately simulating Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes is useful to predict printing failures and test 3D printing withoutwasting precious resources, both in terms of time ad material. In AM the ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/stag.20181294
2016, Conference proceedings
The shape and semantics modelling group
B. Falcidieno, F. Giannini, M. Spagnuolo, R. Albertoni, M. Attene, S. Biasotti, C. E. Catalano,M. De Martino, M. Monti, M. Mortara, G. Patane', and C. Pizzi
Presentiamo le attivit'a del gruppo di ricerca denominato "Shape and Semantics Modelling" operante presso la sezione diGenova dell'Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "E. Magene...
2015, Conference proceedings
A web repository to describe and execute shape processing workflows
M. Attene, D. Cabiddu, S. Gagliardo, F. Giannini, and M. Monti
Nowadays geometric models are ubiquitous, and models which are created in a given context often need to be reused in different scenarios. In these cases, a pre-processing is typically necessary to ada...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.14733/cadconfP.2015.348-353
2015, Conference proceedings
Distributed processing of large polygon meshes
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
A system is described to remotely perform complex geometry processing on arbitrarily large triangle meshes. Adistributed network of servers provides both the software and hardware necessary to underta...
2014, Meeting abstracts
A web-based distributed system to process large geometric models
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
2014, Conference proceedings
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We propose a web-based system to remotely and distributedly process triangle meshes. Users can implementcomplex geometric procedures by composing simpler processing tools that, in their turn, can be p...
2013, Conference proceedings
Surface mesh qualities
M. Attene
3D surface models are often stored as indexed face sets, whereas algorithms can typically treat only a subset of the so-representable surfaces. Besides this gap between "potential" input and "allowed"...
CNR@People | Link
2011, Conference proceedings
An ontology-driven search module for accessing chronic pathology literature
S. Kiefer, J. Rauch, R. Albertoni, M. Attene,F. Giannini, S. Marini, L. Schneider, C. Mesquita , and X. Xing
This paper presents an advanced search module for bibliography retrievaldeveloped within the CHRONIOUS European IP project. The developedsearch module is specifically targeted to clinicians and health...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25126-9_50
2011, Conference proceedings
Automated Abstraction of Building Models for 3D Navigation on Mobile Devices
X. Sun, B. Yang, M. Attene, Q. Li, and S. Jiang
Due to their limited expressive capabilities and computational resources, typical mobile devices are still not appropriate for real-time 3D navigation, in particular when widespread building models in...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.5980715
2011, Conference proceedings
The CHRONIOUS Ontology-Driven Search Tool: enabling access to focused and up-to-date healthcare literature
S. Kiefer, J. Rauch, R. Albertoni, M. Attene, F. Giannini, S. Marini, L. Schneider, C. Mesquita, X. Xing , and M. Lawo
This paper presents an advanced search engine prototype for bibliography retrieval developed within the CHRONIOUS European IP project of the seventh Framework Program (FP7). This search engine is spec...
2011, Meeting abstracts
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques
G. Ottonello, M. Attene, D. Ameglio, D. Belmonte, M. Vetuschi Zuccolini, and M. Natali
2010, Conference posters
CHRONIOUS: An Open, Ubiquitous and Adaptive Chronic Disease Management Platform for COPD and Renal Insufficienc
R. Rosso, M. Attene, and F. Giannini
2010, Conference proceedings
Modeling liquidus hypersurfaces through simplicial complexes
M. Natali, M. Attene, and G. Ottonello
This paper describes an operational pipeline that exploits computational geometry to derive useful knowledge about the crystallization behaviour of materials composed of varying amounts of pure compon...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/LocalChapterEvents/ItalChap/ItalianChapConf2010/135-14
2010, Conference proceedings
The Fast Reject Schema for Part-in-Whole 3D Shape Matching
M. Attene, S. Marini, M. Spagnuolo, and B. Falcidieno
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/3DOR/3DOR10/023-030
2009, Conference proceedings
A critical assessment of 2D and 3D face recognition algorithms
Giorgi D.; Attene M.; Patanè G.; Marini S.; Pizzi C.; Biasotti S.; Spagnuolo M.; Falcidieno B.; Corvi M.; Usai L.; Roncarolo L.; Garibotto G.
We present the results of a project aimed to evaluate2D and 3D face recognition algorithms. In particular, we focusedon the potentialities of 3D-based techniques to overcometypical limitations of 2D m...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/AVSS.2009.82
2009, Conference proceedings
Riconoscimento di volti con tecniche 3D per controlli di sicurezza
Giorgi D., Attene M., Patanè G., Marini S., Pizzi C., Biasotti S., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B., Usai L.
2008, Conference proceedings
Shape knowledge annotation for virtual product sharing and reuse
C.E. Catalano; B. Falcidieno; M. Attene; F. Robbiano; M. Spagnuolo
This paper explores a promising framework, the ShapeAnnotator, for the semantic annotation of 3D objects in the context of Product Design. The ShapeAnnotator provides the functionalities that allow th...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1115/ESDA2008-59478
2008, Conference proceedings
Shape retrieval contest 2008: Stability of watertight models
Silvia Biasotti; Marco Attene
In this report we present the results of the Stability on WatertightModels Track. The aim of this track is to evaluate the stability ofalgorithms with respect to input perturbations that modify the re...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/SMI.2008.4547975
2007, Conference proceedings
Advanced Remote Inspection and Download of 3D Shapes
Danovaro E., Papaleo L. , Sobrero D., Attene M., Saleem W.
2007, Conference proceedings
Advanced Remote Inspection and Download of 3D Shapes
Danovaro E.; Papaleo L.; Sobrero D.; Attene M.; Saleem W.
Shape inspection options in most of the current online shape repositoriesprovide limited information on the shape of a desired model.In addition, stored models can be downloaded only at the originalle...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/1229390.1229399
2007, Conference proceedings
Combinatorial 3-manifolds from sets of tetrahedra
Marco Attene; Massimo Ferri; Daniela Giorgi
We propose an algorithm to convert a tetrahedral meshwith singularities to a combinatorial 3-manifold using onlylocal modifications. We outline sufficient conditions on themesh to guarantee the feasib...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/CW.2007.11
2007, Conference proceedings
Part-based Annotation of Virtual 3D Shapes
Marco Attene; Francesco Robbiano; Michela Spagnuolo; Bianca Falcidieno
In the latest years, distributed virtual worlds populatedby static and dynamic 3D shapes have grown significantly,and the need to model and process them effectively has becomea critical issue. The int...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/CW.2007.8
2007, Conference proceedings
Semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes based on feature characterization
Marco Attene; Francesco Robbiano; Michela Spagnuolo; Bianca Falcidieno
In this paper we describe the main aspects of a system to perform non-trivial segmentations of 3D surface meshes and to annotate thedetected parts through concepts expressed by an ontology. Each part ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77051-0_15
2007, Conference proceedings
The Role of Semantics in Shape Modeling and Reasoning
Falcidieno B., Attene M., Mortara M.
2006, Conference proceedings
Mesh segmentation - a comparative study
Attene M.; Katz, S.; Mortara M.; Patané G.; Spagnuolo M.; Tal A.
Mesh segmentation has become an important componentin many applications in computer graphics. In thelast several years, many algorithms have been proposed inthis growing area, offering a diversity of ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/SMI.2006.24
2006, Conference proceedings
ReMESH: An Interactive Environment To Edit And Repair Triangle Meshes
Marco Attene; Bianca Falcidieno
Polygonal meshes obtained from acquisition of real-worldobjects may easily exhibit topological or geometricaldefects, which often prevent subsequent processing andanalysis to provide satisfactory resu...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/SMI.2006.29
2006, Conference proceedings
Topological, Geometric and Structural Approaches to Enhance Shape Information
Attene M.; Biasotti S.; Mortara M.; Patané G.; Spagnuolo M.; Falcidieno B.
Nowadays, the increasing power of hardware components has made available a huge amount of digital models, more and more complex and detailed, as needed in many innovative research fields such as medic...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/LocalChapterEvents/ItalianChapConf2006/007-013
slice2mesh: meshing sliced data for the simulation of AM Processes
M. Livesu, D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
Accurately simulating Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes is useful to predict printing failures and test 3D printing withoutwasting precious resources, both in terms of time ad material. In AM the ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/stag.20181294
2016, Conference proceedings
The shape and semantics modelling group
B. Falcidieno, F. Giannini, M. Spagnuolo, R. Albertoni, M. Attene, S. Biasotti, C. E. Catalano,M. De Martino, M. Monti, M. Mortara, G. Patane', and C. Pizzi
Presentiamo le attivit'a del gruppo di ricerca denominato "Shape and Semantics Modelling" operante presso la sezione diGenova dell'Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "E. Magene...
2015, Conference proceedings
A web repository to describe and execute shape processing workflows
M. Attene, D. Cabiddu, S. Gagliardo, F. Giannini, and M. Monti
Nowadays geometric models are ubiquitous, and models which are created in a given context often need to be reused in different scenarios. In these cases, a pre-processing is typically necessary to ada...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.14733/cadconfP.2015.348-353
2015, Conference proceedings
Distributed processing of large polygon meshes
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
A system is described to remotely perform complex geometry processing on arbitrarily large triangle meshes. Adistributed network of servers provides both the software and hardware necessary to underta...
2014, Meeting abstracts
A web-based distributed system to process large geometric models
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
2014, Conference proceedings
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We propose a web-based system to remotely and distributedly process triangle meshes. Users can implementcomplex geometric procedures by composing simpler processing tools that, in their turn, can be p...
2013, Conference proceedings
Surface mesh qualities
M. Attene
3D surface models are often stored as indexed face sets, whereas algorithms can typically treat only a subset of the so-representable surfaces. Besides this gap between "potential" input and "allowed"...
CNR@People | Link
2011, Conference proceedings
An ontology-driven search module for accessing chronic pathology literature
S. Kiefer, J. Rauch, R. Albertoni, M. Attene,F. Giannini, S. Marini, L. Schneider, C. Mesquita , and X. Xing
This paper presents an advanced search module for bibliography retrievaldeveloped within the CHRONIOUS European IP project. The developedsearch module is specifically targeted to clinicians and health...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25126-9_50
2011, Conference proceedings
Automated Abstraction of Building Models for 3D Navigation on Mobile Devices
X. Sun, B. Yang, M. Attene, Q. Li, and S. Jiang
Due to their limited expressive capabilities and computational resources, typical mobile devices are still not appropriate for real-time 3D navigation, in particular when widespread building models in...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/GeoInformatics.2011.5980715
2011, Conference proceedings
The CHRONIOUS Ontology-Driven Search Tool: enabling access to focused and up-to-date healthcare literature
S. Kiefer, J. Rauch, R. Albertoni, M. Attene, F. Giannini, S. Marini, L. Schneider, C. Mesquita, X. Xing , and M. Lawo
This paper presents an advanced search engine prototype for bibliography retrieval developed within the CHRONIOUS European IP project of the seventh Framework Program (FP7). This search engine is spec...
2011, Meeting abstracts
Thermodynamic investigation of the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system at high P and T through polymer chemistry and convex-hull techniques
G. Ottonello, M. Attene, D. Ameglio, D. Belmonte, M. Vetuschi Zuccolini, and M. Natali
2010, Conference posters
CHRONIOUS: An Open, Ubiquitous and Adaptive Chronic Disease Management Platform for COPD and Renal Insufficienc
R. Rosso, M. Attene, and F. Giannini
2010, Conference proceedings
Modeling liquidus hypersurfaces through simplicial complexes
M. Natali, M. Attene, and G. Ottonello
This paper describes an operational pipeline that exploits computational geometry to derive useful knowledge about the crystallization behaviour of materials composed of varying amounts of pure compon...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/LocalChapterEvents/ItalChap/ItalianChapConf2010/135-14
2010, Conference proceedings
The Fast Reject Schema for Part-in-Whole 3D Shape Matching
M. Attene, S. Marini, M. Spagnuolo, and B. Falcidieno
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/3DOR/3DOR10/023-030
2009, Conference proceedings
A critical assessment of 2D and 3D face recognition algorithms
Giorgi D.; Attene M.; Patanè G.; Marini S.; Pizzi C.; Biasotti S.; Spagnuolo M.; Falcidieno B.; Corvi M.; Usai L.; Roncarolo L.; Garibotto G.
We present the results of a project aimed to evaluate2D and 3D face recognition algorithms. In particular, we focusedon the potentialities of 3D-based techniques to overcometypical limitations of 2D m...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/AVSS.2009.82
2009, Conference proceedings
Riconoscimento di volti con tecniche 3D per controlli di sicurezza
Giorgi D., Attene M., Patanè G., Marini S., Pizzi C., Biasotti S., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B., Usai L.
2008, Conference proceedings
Shape knowledge annotation for virtual product sharing and reuse
C.E. Catalano; B. Falcidieno; M. Attene; F. Robbiano; M. Spagnuolo
This paper explores a promising framework, the ShapeAnnotator, for the semantic annotation of 3D objects in the context of Product Design. The ShapeAnnotator provides the functionalities that allow th...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1115/ESDA2008-59478
2008, Conference proceedings
Shape retrieval contest 2008: Stability of watertight models
Silvia Biasotti; Marco Attene
In this report we present the results of the Stability on WatertightModels Track. The aim of this track is to evaluate the stability ofalgorithms with respect to input perturbations that modify the re...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/SMI.2008.4547975
2007, Conference proceedings
Advanced Remote Inspection and Download of 3D Shapes
Danovaro E., Papaleo L. , Sobrero D., Attene M., Saleem W.
2007, Conference proceedings
Advanced Remote Inspection and Download of 3D Shapes
Danovaro E.; Papaleo L.; Sobrero D.; Attene M.; Saleem W.
Shape inspection options in most of the current online shape repositoriesprovide limited information on the shape of a desired model.In addition, stored models can be downloaded only at the originalle...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/1229390.1229399
2007, Conference proceedings
Combinatorial 3-manifolds from sets of tetrahedra
Marco Attene; Massimo Ferri; Daniela Giorgi
We propose an algorithm to convert a tetrahedral meshwith singularities to a combinatorial 3-manifold using onlylocal modifications. We outline sufficient conditions on themesh to guarantee the feasib...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/CW.2007.11
2007, Conference proceedings
Part-based Annotation of Virtual 3D Shapes
Marco Attene; Francesco Robbiano; Michela Spagnuolo; Bianca Falcidieno
In the latest years, distributed virtual worlds populatedby static and dynamic 3D shapes have grown significantly,and the need to model and process them effectively has becomea critical issue. The int...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/CW.2007.8
2007, Conference proceedings
Semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes based on feature characterization
Marco Attene; Francesco Robbiano; Michela Spagnuolo; Bianca Falcidieno
In this paper we describe the main aspects of a system to perform non-trivial segmentations of 3D surface meshes and to annotate thedetected parts through concepts expressed by an ontology. Each part ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77051-0_15
2007, Conference proceedings
The Role of Semantics in Shape Modeling and Reasoning
Falcidieno B., Attene M., Mortara M.
2006, Conference proceedings
Mesh segmentation - a comparative study
Attene M.; Katz, S.; Mortara M.; Patané G.; Spagnuolo M.; Tal A.
Mesh segmentation has become an important componentin many applications in computer graphics. In thelast several years, many algorithms have been proposed inthis growing area, offering a diversity of ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/SMI.2006.24
2006, Conference proceedings
ReMESH: An Interactive Environment To Edit And Repair Triangle Meshes
Marco Attene; Bianca Falcidieno
Polygonal meshes obtained from acquisition of real-worldobjects may easily exhibit topological or geometricaldefects, which often prevent subsequent processing andanalysis to provide satisfactory resu...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/SMI.2006.29
2006, Conference proceedings
Topological, Geometric and Structural Approaches to Enhance Shape Information
Attene M.; Biasotti S.; Mortara M.; Patané G.; Spagnuolo M.; Falcidieno B.
Nowadays, the increasing power of hardware components has made available a huge amount of digital models, more and more complex and detailed, as needed in many innovative research fields such as medic...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/LocalChapterEvents/ItalianChapConf2006/007-013
2017, Curatorship of journal issues
Foreword to the Special Issue on Shape Modeling International 2017
M. Attene, S. Lefebvre, and D. Panozzo
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2017.06.001
2007, Curatorship of books
Combinatorial 3-manifolds from sets of tetrahedra
Attene M., Ferri M., Giorgi D.
2007, Curatorship of books
Part-based Annotation of Virtual 3D Shapes
Attene M., Robbiano F., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2006, Curatorship of books
Mesh Segmentation: a Comparative Study
Attene M, Katz S., Mortara M., Patané G., Spagnuolo M., Tal A.
2006, Curatorship of books
ReMESH: An Interactive Environment To Edit And Repair Triangle Meshes
Attene M., Falcidieno B.
Foreword to the Special Issue on Shape Modeling International 2017
M. Attene, S. Lefebvre, and D. Panozzo
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2017.06.001
2007, Curatorship of books
Combinatorial 3-manifolds from sets of tetrahedra
Attene M., Ferri M., Giorgi D.
2007, Curatorship of books
Part-based Annotation of Virtual 3D Shapes
Attene M., Robbiano F., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2006, Curatorship of books
Mesh Segmentation: a Comparative Study
Attene M, Katz S., Mortara M., Patané G., Spagnuolo M., Tal A.
2006, Curatorship of books
ReMESH: An Interactive Environment To Edit And Repair Triangle Meshes
Attene M., Falcidieno B.
2004, Industrial invention patent
ReMesh: An Interactive and User-Friendly Environment for Remeshing Surface Triangulations
Attene M.
ReMesh: An Interactive and User-Friendly Environment for Remeshing Surface Triangulations
Attene M.
2017, Technical report
Computational methods for the morphological analysis and annotation of segmented 3D medical data
G. Patané, F. Giannini, and M. Attene
The document reports some of the main issues related to the semantic annotation of medical data acquired from MRI scans and describes possible solutions.
CNR@People | Link
2016, Technical report
A study of the state of the art of process planning for additive manufacturing
M. Livesu, M. Attene, M. Spagnuolo, and B. Falcidieno
In the manufacturing industry the term Process Planning (PP) is concerned with determining the sequence ofindividual manufacturing operations needed to produce a given part or product with a certain m...
CNR@People | Link
2015, Working paper
Large Mesh Simplification for Distributed Environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
An algorithm is described to simplify arbitrarily large triangle meshes while leveraging the computing power of modern distributedenvironments. Our method combines the flexibility of out-of-core (OOC)...
2014, Research report
Deliverable D8.8.2 - Report on the IQmulus Processing Contest - Year 2
S. Biasotti, M. Attene, B.G.H. Gorte, J. Boehm, N. Paparoditis, H. Piete, and D. Kristof
The deliverable D8.8.2 is related to the Second Year's activity of the IQmulus Task 8.5, described as follows in the Description of Work (DoW):Focus of the task will be the dissemination of IQmulus re...
2014, Technical report
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We propose a web-based system to remotely and distributedly process triangle meshes. Users can im-plement complex geometric procedures by composing simpler processing tools that, in their turn, can be...
2013, Technical report
Geometry processing for biomedical imaging: 3D model representations and multi-modality
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
2012, Research report
Deliverable D 3.6 "Report on Virtual service infrastructure 1"
M. Attene, B. Falcidieno, F. Giannini, M. Spagnuolo, and M. Urgo
This Deliverable provides details on the activates related to the Virtual Visualization Service (VVS)facility. The VVS acts as an e-science infrastructure for the storage, sharing and retrieval of sha...
2012, Technical report
Modeling liquidus hypersurfaces through simplicial complexes in arbitrary dimensions
L. Chiarabini, M. Attene, and G. Ottonello
2012, Technical report
Quality-based characterization of surface meshes
M. Attene
2010, Technical report
Computational geometry tools to model and analyze the crystallization of molten substances
M. Natali, M. Attene, and G. Ottonello
2010, Technical report
Multi-Resolution Structure Recovery of Point-Sampled Surfaces.
M. Attene and G. Patanè
2010, Technical report
Steepest Descent Methods for Multivariate Piecewise Linear Functions
M. Attene and M. Natali
2009, Technical report
A Lightweight Approach to Repairing Digitized Polygon Meshes
Attene M.
2008, Technical report
Hierarchical Convex Approximation of 3D Shapes for Fast Region Selection
Attene M., Mortara M., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2008, Technical report
SHape REtrieval Contest 2008: Stability Track on Watertight Models
Biasotti S., Attene M.
2007, Technical report
Combinatorial manifolds from sets of tetrahedra
Attene M., Giorgi D., Ferri M., Falcidieno B.
2007, Technical report
Part-based Annotation of 3D Surface Meshes
Attene M., Robbiano F., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2006, Technical report
Multi-Segmentation and Annotation of 3D Surface Meshes
Attene M., Biasotti S., Mortara M., Patané G., Robbiano F., Albertoni R., Catalano C., Marini S., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2005, Technical report
Hierarchical Mesh Segmentation Based on Fitting Primitives
Attene M.
2004, Technical report
ReMESH: An Interactive and User-friendly Environment for Remeshing Surface Triangulations
Attene M.
1999, Technical report
Ambienti grafici avanzati di supporto alla modellazione e alla semplificazione di superfici
M. Attene, C. Pizzi
Computational methods for the morphological analysis and annotation of segmented 3D medical data
G. Patané, F. Giannini, and M. Attene
The document reports some of the main issues related to the semantic annotation of medical data acquired from MRI scans and describes possible solutions.
CNR@People | Link
2016, Technical report
A study of the state of the art of process planning for additive manufacturing
M. Livesu, M. Attene, M. Spagnuolo, and B. Falcidieno
In the manufacturing industry the term Process Planning (PP) is concerned with determining the sequence ofindividual manufacturing operations needed to produce a given part or product with a certain m...
CNR@People | Link
2015, Working paper
Large Mesh Simplification for Distributed Environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
An algorithm is described to simplify arbitrarily large triangle meshes while leveraging the computing power of modern distributedenvironments. Our method combines the flexibility of out-of-core (OOC)...
2014, Research report
Deliverable D8.8.2 - Report on the IQmulus Processing Contest - Year 2
S. Biasotti, M. Attene, B.G.H. Gorte, J. Boehm, N. Paparoditis, H. Piete, and D. Kristof
The deliverable D8.8.2 is related to the Second Year's activity of the IQmulus Task 8.5, described as follows in the Description of Work (DoW):Focus of the task will be the dissemination of IQmulus re...
2014, Technical report
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We propose a web-based system to remotely and distributedly process triangle meshes. Users can im-plement complex geometric procedures by composing simpler processing tools that, in their turn, can be...
2013, Technical report
Geometry processing for biomedical imaging: 3D model representations and multi-modality
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
2012, Research report
Deliverable D 3.6 "Report on Virtual service infrastructure 1"
M. Attene, B. Falcidieno, F. Giannini, M. Spagnuolo, and M. Urgo
This Deliverable provides details on the activates related to the Virtual Visualization Service (VVS)facility. The VVS acts as an e-science infrastructure for the storage, sharing and retrieval of sha...
2012, Technical report
Modeling liquidus hypersurfaces through simplicial complexes in arbitrary dimensions
L. Chiarabini, M. Attene, and G. Ottonello
2012, Technical report
Quality-based characterization of surface meshes
M. Attene
2010, Technical report
Computational geometry tools to model and analyze the crystallization of molten substances
M. Natali, M. Attene, and G. Ottonello
2010, Technical report
Multi-Resolution Structure Recovery of Point-Sampled Surfaces.
M. Attene and G. Patanè
2010, Technical report
Steepest Descent Methods for Multivariate Piecewise Linear Functions
M. Attene and M. Natali
2009, Technical report
A Lightweight Approach to Repairing Digitized Polygon Meshes
Attene M.
2008, Technical report
Hierarchical Convex Approximation of 3D Shapes for Fast Region Selection
Attene M., Mortara M., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2008, Technical report
SHape REtrieval Contest 2008: Stability Track on Watertight Models
Biasotti S., Attene M.
2007, Technical report
Combinatorial manifolds from sets of tetrahedra
Attene M., Giorgi D., Ferri M., Falcidieno B.
2007, Technical report
Part-based Annotation of 3D Surface Meshes
Attene M., Robbiano F., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2006, Technical report
Multi-Segmentation and Annotation of 3D Surface Meshes
Attene M., Biasotti S., Mortara M., Patané G., Robbiano F., Albertoni R., Catalano C., Marini S., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2005, Technical report
Hierarchical Mesh Segmentation Based on Fitting Primitives
Attene M.
2004, Technical report
ReMESH: An Interactive and User-friendly Environment for Remeshing Surface Triangulations
Attene M.
1999, Technical report
Ambienti grafici avanzati di supporto alla modellazione e alla semplificazione di superfici
M. Attene, C. Pizzi
2014, Software
ImatiSTL - A C++ API for STL file repairing in 3D printing applications
M. Attene
ImatiSTL is a C++ library for applications that need to finely post-process raw polygon meshes represented by STL files.It is particularly useful in 3D printing scenarios: the repairing functions prov...
CNR@People | Link
2013, Software
Simplicial - A C++ framework for simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimension
M. Attene
Simplicial provides a framework to work with simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimension.The data structure is "layered" so that any sort of homogeneous mesh can be represented.A specialized structure al...
CNR@People | Link
2010, Software
M. Attene
MeshFix converts a raw digitized polygon mesh to a clean mesh where all the occurrences of a specific set of "defects" are corrected. Holes, self-intersections, degenerate and non-manifold elements ar...
CNR@People | Link
2007, Software
ShapeAnnotator - Multi-segmentation and semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes
Marco Attene, Francesco Robbiano, Michela Spagnuolo, Bianca Falcidieno, Silvia Biasotti, Michela Mortara, Giuseppe Patane, Riccardo Albertorni, Chiara Catalano, Simone Marini
The ShapeAnnotator provides an interactive GUI for the inspection, segmentation and semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes. After loading a mesh and a domain of expertise formalized as an OWL ontolo...
CNR@People | Link
ImatiSTL - A C++ API for STL file repairing in 3D printing applications
M. Attene
ImatiSTL is a C++ library for applications that need to finely post-process raw polygon meshes represented by STL files.It is particularly useful in 3D printing scenarios: the repairing functions prov...
CNR@People | Link
2013, Software
Simplicial - A C++ framework for simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimension
M. Attene
Simplicial provides a framework to work with simplicial meshes of arbitrary dimension.The data structure is "layered" so that any sort of homogeneous mesh can be represented.A specialized structure al...
CNR@People | Link
2010, Software
M. Attene
MeshFix converts a raw digitized polygon mesh to a clean mesh where all the occurrences of a specific set of "defects" are corrected. Holes, self-intersections, degenerate and non-manifold elements ar...
CNR@People | Link
2007, Software
ShapeAnnotator - Multi-segmentation and semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes
Marco Attene, Francesco Robbiano, Michela Spagnuolo, Bianca Falcidieno, Silvia Biasotti, Michela Mortara, Giuseppe Patane, Riccardo Albertorni, Chiara Catalano, Simone Marini
The ShapeAnnotator provides an interactive GUI for the inspection, segmentation and semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes. After loading a mesh and a domain of expertise formalized as an OWL ontolo...
CNR@People | Link