Riccardo Albertoni
Riccardo Albertoni received his degree in Computer Science from the University of Genoa in December 2001. He got a Ph.D. in Electronic and Computer Engineering in April 2007. He has been working at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, which is part of the Italian National Research Council, for more than ten years, as a research fellow at first and as a researcher later. From Mach 2012 to February 2013, he was Post-Doc (funded by ERCIM / Marie Curie Programme) at the Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain. Riccardo Albertoni's research activity has focused on Knowledge Management: Data Visualization, Metadata Analysis, Ontologies, Semantic Similarity and Semantic Granularity. Since 2009 his research interests have moved on linked data: exploiting linked data principles to publish and interlink Environmental Thesauri; deploying and maintaining the Nature Conservation Common Thesaurus and investigating tools to consume linked data datasets made available by third parties. In particular, as far as it concerns to the linked data consumption, he has recently started a brand new research activity pertaining to Linked Data quality and he has developed and maintained SSONDE (http://purl.oclc.org/NET/SSONDE), a framework providing an instance similarity which enables in a detailed comparison and ranking of resources through the comparison of their RDF ontology driven metadata.
Research Activity
Context Modelling,e-Science, Environmental Data Sharing, Explorative Search ,Information Visualization, Knowledge Organization Systems, Knowledge Technologies, Linked Data, Metadata Analysis, Ontology Design, Semantic 3D media, Semantic Granularity,
Semantic Similarity
Quality of word and concept embeddings in targetted biomedical domains
Salvatore Giancani, Riccardo Albertoni, Chiara Eva Catalano
Embeddings are fundamental resources often reused for building intelligent systems in thebiomedical context. As a result, evaluating the quality of previously trained embeddings andensuring they cover...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16818
2021, Journal article
Introducing the Data Quality Vocabulary (DQV)
Riccardo Albertoni and Isaac Antoine
The Data Quality Vocabulary (DQV) provides a metadata model for expressing data quality. DQV was developed by the Data on the Web Best Practice (DWBP) Working Group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.3233/SW-200382
2018, Journal article
Documenting context-based quality assessment of controlled vocabularies
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and A. Quarati
Access to e-Government data is challenging due to the heterogeneity and complexity of the public information ecosystem. Controlled Vocabularies (CVs) provide a key to disclosing the potential of Open ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/TETC.2018.2865094
2018, Journal article
LusTRE: a framework of linked environmental thesauri for metadata management
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, P. Podestà, A. Abecker, R. Wossner, and K. Schnitter
The paper illustrates a Linked Thesaurus Framework for the Environment, named LusTRE, to facilitate data sharing across different environmental disciplines. It provides a knowledge infrastructure of m...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s12145-018-0344-8
2018, Journal article
Quality measures for skos: ExactMatch linksets: an application to the thesaurus framework LusTRE
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podestà
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to focus on the quality of the connections (linkset) among thesauri published as Linked Data on the Web. It extends the cross-walking measures with two new measur...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1108/DTA-05-2017-0037
2017, Journal article
Overall quality assessment of SKOS thesauri: An AHP-based approach
A. Quarati, R. Albertoni, and M. De Martino
The article proposes a methodology for a thesauri quality assessment that supports decision-makers in selecting thesauri by exploiting an overall quality measure. This measure takes into account the s...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1177/0165551516671079
2014, Journal article
EARTh: an Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus in the Linked Open Data Cloud
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, S. Di Franco, V. De Santis, and P. Plini
The paper aims at providing a description of EARTh, the Environmental Application Reference Thesaurus. It representsa general-purpose thesaurus for the environment, which has been published as a SKOS ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.3233/SW-130122
2011, Journal article
A multilingual/multicultural semantic-based approach to improve Data Sharing in a SDI for Nature Conservation
M.De Martino and R. Albertoni
The paper proposes an approach to transcend multicultural and multilingual barriers in the use and reuse of geographical data at the European level. The approach aims at sharing scientific terms in th...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2902/1725-0463.2011.06.art10
2011, Journal article
Context Dependent Semantic Granularity
R.Albertoni, E.Camossi, M.De Martino, F.Giannini, and M.Monti
A fundamental issue to improve the accessibility to information resources is how to efficiently deal with huge amount(s) of data. In this respect, ontology driven techniques are expected to improve th...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1504/IJDMMM.2011.041495
2006, Journal article
Semantic Granularity for the Semantic Web
Albertoni R., Camossi E., De Martino M., Giannini F., Monti M.
2006, Journal article
Semantic Similarity of Ontology Instances Tailored on the application Context
Albertoni R., De Martino M.
2005, Journal article
Ontology-Based Searching Framework for Digital Shapes
Albertoni R., Papaleo L., Pitikakis M., Robbiano F., Spagnuolo M., Vasilakis G.
Asymmetric and Context-Dependent Semantic Similarity among Ontology Instances
Albertoni R.; De Martino M.
In this paper we propose an asymmetric semantic similarity among instances within an ontology. We aim to define a measurement of semantic similarity that exploit as much as possible the knowledge stor...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77688-8_1
GECA 3.0 - A new tool for cataloguing and enjoying cultural heritage
Roberta Maggi; Tiziana Pasciuto; Martina Mazzoleni; Maria Teresa Artese; Isabella Gagliardi; Riccardo Albertoni
Cataloguing is an essential component of studying and preserving our history. With the development of new systems of digital information, a new panorama where heritage and new technologies coalesce ha...
CNR@People | Link
2022, Conference proceedings
Travelling Culture: Define, Implement, Enrich and Disseminate the Digital Cultural Heritage. The "DigitXL Project" Case Study
Tiziana Pasciuto, Riccardo Albertoni, Roberta Maggi, Maria Teresa Artese, Isabella Gagliardi, and Maurizio Gentilini
In the last decades, the digitalization of the cultural heritage has become actual, promoting not only the conservation of the most fragile artefacts but also the enjoyment of the cultural objects. Th...
2019, Conference proceedings
Applying predictive models to support skos:ExactMatch validation
Riccardo Albertoni
The paper investigates the use of Machine Learning (ML) to support experts validating skos:exactMatch links. It trains ML techniques provided by RapidMiner with manually validated links and shows how ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36599-8_16
2017, Meeting abstracts
Data value enhancement for Amazonia drainage datasets
Sergio Rosim, Monica De Martino, Alfonso Quarati, and Riccardo Albertoni
The three Americas have 46% of all the world fresh water. South America has 60% of three Americas fresh water regarding 27.6% of world fresh wa-ter. Brazil has 28% of America's fresh water and 12% of ...
CNR@People | Link
2017, Conference proceedings
Linked thesauri quality assessment and documentation for Big Data discovery
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and A. Quarati
Thesauri are knowledge systems which may ease Big Data access, fostering their integration and re-use. Currently several Linked Data thesauri covering multi-disciplines are available. They provide a s...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/HPCS.2017.16
2016, Conference proceedings
Integrated quality assessment of linked thesauri for the environment
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and A. Quarati
Thesauri usability, within a Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Environment, is pivotal for metadata compilation and data discovery. Thesauri effectiveness is affected by their quality. Diverse quali...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-44159-7_16
2016, Conference proceedings
Linkset quality assessment for the thesaurus framework LusTRE
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podesta
Recently a great number of controlled vocabularies (e.g., thesauri) covering several domains and shared by different communities, have been published and interlinked using the Linked Data paradigm. Re...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49157-8_3
2016, Conference proceedings
The shape and semantics modelling group
B. Falcidieno, F. Giannini, M. Spagnuolo, R. Albertoni, M. Attene, S. Biasotti, C. E. Catalano,M. De Martino, M. Monti, M. Mortara, G. Patane', and C. Pizzi
Presentiamo le attivit'a del gruppo di ricerca denominato "Shape and Semantics Modelling" operante presso la sezione diGenova dell'Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche ...
2015, Conference proceedings
A linkset quality metric measuring multilingual gain in SKOS thesauri
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podestà
Linked Data is largely adopted to share and make data more accessible on the web. A quite impressive number of datasets has been exposed and interlinked according to the Linked Data paradigm but the q...
CNR@People | Link
2015, Conference proceedings
Latest developments of the Linked Thesaurus Framework for the Environment (LusTRE)
A. Abecker, R. Wössner, K. Schnitter, R. Albertoni, M. de Martino, and P. Podestà
We present a solution for inter-linking domainthesauri and other controlled vocabularies represented as LinkedData content within the LusTRE framework. We discuss how suchinter-linked content can help...
CNR@People | Link
2014, Conference proceedings
Environmental Thesauri Under the Lens of Reusability
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podesta'
The development of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) at European level is strategic to answer the needs of environmental management requested by the European, national and local policies. Several Eu...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10178-1_18
2014, Meeting abstracts
LusTRE: a Linked Thesaurus fRamework for Environment
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, P. Podestà, and P. Plini
2014, Meeting abstracts
Software Services Exploiting the eENVplus Framework of Interlinked Thesauri for Metadata Management
A. Abecker, R. Albertoni, C. Cipolloni, M. De Martino,Y. Moradiafkan and R. Wössner
CNR@People | Link
2014, Meeting abstracts
The State of Play of Environmental Thesauri in the Web and Their Adherance to (Open) Linked Data Best Practices
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podestà
2014, Conference proceedings
Using Interlinked Thesauri for INSPIRE-Compliant Metadata Management
A. Abecker, R. Albertoni, C. Heidmann, M. De Martino, and R. Wössner
As part of the eENVplus project about infrastructures for the INSPIRE implementation, a Thesaurus Framework (LusTRE) is being developed which allows to interlink different environmental domain thesaur...
2013, Conference proceedings
Assessing Linkset Quality for Complementing Third-Party Datasets
R. Albertoni and A. Gómez Pérez
Linked data best practices are getting extremely popular:various companies and public institutions have started takingadvantage of linked data principles for exposing theirdatasets, and for relating t...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/2457317.2457327
2013, Meeting abstracts
EARTh vs INSPIRE: an Environmental Thesaurus in the Linked Open Data Cloud
S. Di Franco, P. Plini, R. Albertoni, and M. De Martino
2012, Conference proceedings
SSONDE: Semantic Similarity on LiNked Data Entities
R. Albertoni and M. De Martino
The paper illustrates SSONDE, a framework to assess semanticsimilarity on linked data entities. It describes the framework architecture, itsdesign assumptions and its configuration functionalities. SS...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35233-1_3
2011, Conference proceedings
An ontology-driven search module for accessing chronic pathology literature
S. Kiefer, J. Rauch, R. Albertoni, M. Attene,F. Giannini, S. Marini, L. Schneider, C. Mesquita , and X. Xing
This paper presents an advanced search module for bibliography retrievaldeveloped within the CHRONIOUS European IP project. The developedsearch module is specifically targeted to clinicians and health...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25126-9_50
2011, Conference proceedings
Semantic Technology to Exploit Digital Content Exposed as Linked Data
R.Albertoni and M.De Martino
2011, Conference proceedings
The CHRONIOUS Ontology-Driven Search Tool: enabling access to focused and up-to-date healthcare literature
S. Kiefer, J. Rauch, R. Albertoni, M. Attene, F. Giannini, S. Marini, L. Schneider, C. Mesquita, X. Xing , and M. Lawo
This paper presents an advanced search engine prototype for bibliography retrieval developed within the CHRONIOUS European IP project of the seventh Framework Program (FP7). This search engine is spec...
2011, Conference proceedings
Towards a Multilingual Framework for SEIS
M. De Martino, M. Monti, and R. Albertoni
2010, Conference proceedings
A joint initiative to support the semantic interoperability within the GIIDA project
P. Plini, S. Di Franco, V. De Santis, V. F. Uricchio, D. De Carlo, S. D'Arpa, M. De Martino, and R. Albertoni
The GIIDA project aims to develop a digital infrastructure for the spatial information within CNR. It is foreseen to use semantic-oriented technologies to ease information modeling and connecting, acc...
2010, Meeting abstracts
A multilingual/multicultural semantic-based approach to improve Data Sharing in a SDI
M. De Martino and R. Albertoni
2010, Conference proceedings
INSPIRE and Nature-SDIplus: further progress towards a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) for nature conservation in the EU
M.A. Carlisle, D.R. Green, M. De Martino, R. Albertoni, J.C. Desconnets, R. Wawer, and M. Caballo
Landscape ecology is well-established as a theoretical basis for nature conservation. Spatial nature conservation data includes information such as the boundaries of protected sites, the distribution ...
CNR@People | Link
2010, Conference proceedings
Semantic Similarity and Selection of Resources Published According to Linked Data Best Practice
R. Albertoni and M. De Martino
The position paper aims at discussing the potential of exploitinglinked data best practice to provide metadata documenting domain specificresources created through verbose acquisition-processing pipel...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16961-8_58
2010, Meeting abstracts
SKOS and semantic web best practice to access terminological resources: NatureSDIPlus and CHRONIOUS hands-on experience
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and F. Giannini
2008, Conference proceedings
Context Enabled Semantic Granularity
Albertoni R.; Camossi E.; De Martino M.; Giannini F.; Monti M.
In this paper we propose a powerful ontology driven method that eases the browsing of any repository of information resources described by an ontology: we provide a flexible semantic granularity metho...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-85565-1_84
2007, Conference proceedings
Bayesian semiparametric inference for the AFT model, using N-IGmixture priors
Argiento R., Guglielmi A., Pievatolo A.
2007, Conference proceedings
Preserving Information from Real Objects to Digital Shapes
R. Albertoni, L. Papaleo, and F. Robbiano
IMATI - CNR, DISI - University of Genova
CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/LocalChapterEvents/ItalChap/ItalianChapConf2007/079-085
2007, Conference proceedings
Using Context Dependent Semantic Similarity to Browse Information Resources: an Application for Industrial Design
R. Albertoni and M. De Martino
CNR@People | Link
2006, Conference proceedings
Semantic Granularity for the Semantic Web
Albertoni Riccardo; Camossi Elena; De Martino Monica; Giannini Franca; Monti Marina
In this paper we describe a framework for the application of semanticgranularities to the Semantic Web. Given a data source and an ontologyformalizing qualities which describe the source, we define a ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/11915072_93
2006, Conference posters
Semantic Similarity of Ontology Instances Tailored on the application Context
Albertoni R., De Martino M.
2006, Conference proceedings
Semantic Similarity of Ontology Instances Tailored on the Application Context
Riccardo Albertoni; Monica De Martino
The paper proposes a framework to assess the semantic similarityamong instances within an ontology. It aims to define a sensitive measurementof semantic similarity, which takes into account different ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/11914853_66
2006, Conference proceedings
Towards a Conceptualization for Shape Acquisition and Processing
R. Albertoni, L. Papaleo, F. Robbiano, and M. Spagnuolo
2005, Conference proceedings
An Approach Based on Visualization and Ontology to Analyze Categorical Attributes in Geographic Metadata
R. Albertoni, A. Bertone, and M. De Martino
2005, Conference proceedings
An ontology-based Approach to Acquisition and Reconstruction
L. Papaleo, R. Albertoni, S. Marini, and F. Robbiano
2005, Conference proceedings
Information Search: the Challenge of Integrating Information Visualization and Semantic Web
R. Albertoni, A. Bertone, and M. De Martino
The paper examines the potentialities offered byInformation Visualization to improve informationsearch in the Semantic Web. In particular, the paperaims to investigate user problems in the information...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/DEXA.2005.120
2005, Conference proceedings
Ontology-based searching framework for digital shapes
R. Albertoni; L. Papaleo; M. Pitikakis; F. Robbiano; M. Spagnuolo; G. Vasilakis
Knowledge related to Shape Modelling is multi-faceted because of the complexity and heterogeneity of the involved resources and because different applications may cast different semantics on them. A f...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/11575863_111
2005, Conference proceedings
Semantic Analysis of Categorical Metadata to Search for Geographic Information
Albertoni, R.; Bertone, A.; De Martino, M.
The paper proposes a semantic-based approach toanalyse geographic metadata during the informationsearch activity. In particular, the analysis ofcategorical attributes of metadata is considered.Techniq...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/DEXA.2005.2
2005, Conference proceedings
Visualization and Semantic Analysis of Geographic Metadata
Riccardo Albertoni; Alessio Bertone; Monica De Martino
The paper presents an approach based on visualization andontology techniques to analyze large repository of geographicmetadata: the aim of the metadata analysis is to support the searchfor expressive ...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/1096985.1096989
2004, Conference proceedings
A Visual Data Mining Approach for Geo-data Selection in INVISIP
R. Albertoni, A. Bertone, M. De Martino, U. Dem?ar, H. Hauska, A. Krawczyk, and I. Podolak
2004, Conference proceedings
Semantic Web and Information Visualization
R. Albertoni, A. Bertone, and M. De Martino
2004, Conference proceedings
Visual Analysis of Geographic Metadata in a Spatial Data Infrastructure
R. Albertoni; A. Bertone; M. De Martino
Nowadays the importance of collecting and sharinggeographical data is rapidly increasing. Spatial DataInfrastructures are arising to integrate geographicinformation services which allow to identify an...
CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/DEXA.2004.1333585
Information Search: The Challenge of Integrating Information Visualization and Semantic Web
Albertoni R., Bertone A., De Martino M.
2005, Curatorship of books
Semantic Analysis of Categorical Metadata to Search for Geographic Information
Albertoni R., Bertone A., De Martino M.
2005, Curatorship of books
Visualization and Semantic Analysis of Geographic Metadata
Albertoni R., Bertone A., De Martino M.
Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 3, 2nd W3C Working Draft
R. Albertoni, D. Browning, S.Cox, A. Gonzalez Beltrand, A. Perego, P. Winstanley
DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This document defines the schema and provides examples for its use.DCAT enables a publishe...
CNR@People | Link
2019, Commission report
Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 2, W3C Proposed Recommendation, 19 November 2019
R. Albertoni, D. Browning, S. Cox, A. Gonzalez Beltran, A. Perego, and P. Winstanley
DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This document defines the schema and provides examples for its use.DCAT enables a publishe...
CNR@People | Link
2016, Commission report
Data on the Web Best Practices.
B. Farias Loscio, C. Burle, N. Calegari (Editors), A. Greiner, A. Isaac, C. Iglesias, C. Laufer, C. Guéret, D. Lee, E. G. Stephan, E. Kauz, G. A. Atemezing, H. Beeman, I. Ibert Bittencourt, J. P. Almeida, M. Dekkers, P. Winstanley, P. Archer, R. Albertoni, S. Purohit and Y. Córdova (Contributors)
This document provides Best Practices related to the publication and usage of data on the Web designed to help support a self-sustaining ecosystem. Data should be discoverable and understandable by hu...
CNR@People | Link
2016, Commission report
Data on the Web Best Practices: Data Quality Vocabulary
R. Albertoni, A. Isaac (Editors)J. Debattista, M. Dekkers, C. Guéret, D. Lee, N. Mihindukulasooriya and A. Zaveri (Contributors)
This document provides a framework in which the quality of a dataset can be described, whether by the dataset publisher or by a broader community of users. It does not provide a formal, complete defin...
CNR@People | Link
2014, Technical report
A Framework for Automated SKOS Codelists Management
P. Podestà, M. De Martino, and R. Albertoni
2014, Research report
D 4.2 - Thesaurus Exploitation Services Specification
Y. Moradiafkan, R. Wössner, A. Abecker, R. Albertoni, and M. De Martino
2014, Technical report
Towards Linkset Quality for Complementing SKOS Thesauri
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podestà
Linked Data is largely adopted to share and make data moreaccessible on the web. A quite impressive number of datasets has beenexposed and interlinked according to the Linked Data paradigm but thequal...
2013, Research report
D 4.1 - Survey on Environmental Thesauri
M. De Martino, R. Albertoni, P. Podestà, and C. Cipolloni
2010, Technical report
Metadata and Semantic Web Technology for Data Reusability
R. Albertoni
2010, Technical report
SEAHORSE- SEmantic similArity to select HeterOgeous RESource (A Research Plan to Scale up the Semantic Similarity to the Web of Data)
R. Albertoni
2008, Technical report
Semantic Prosthesis: a roadmap for a new paradigm for the interpretation of massive and complex information resources
Albertoni R., De Martino M., Monti M.
2007, Technical report
Contexts as Explicit Parameterization of Ontology Driven Methods
Albertoni R., Camossi E., De Martino M. , Giannini F., Monti M.
2006, Technical report
Multi-Segmentation and Annotation of 3D Surface Meshes
Attene M., Biasotti S., Mortara M., Patané G., Robbiano F., Albertoni R., Catalano C., Marini S., Spagnuolo M., Falcidieno B.
2006, Technical report
Semantic Similarity tailored on Application Context
Albertoni R., Bertone A., De Martino M.
2004, Technical report
A tool for geographic metadata exploration
Bertone A., Albertoni R., De Martino M.
2004, Technical report
Visualization and ontology to analyse categorical attributes in geographic metadata
Bertone A., Albertoni R., De Martino M.
Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 3, W3C First Public Working Draft
R. Albertoni, D. Browning, S. Cox, A. Gonzalez Beltran, A. Perego, P. Winstanley
DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This document defines the schema and provides examples for its use.DCAT enables a publishe...
CNR@People | Link
2020, Standard
Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) - Version 2, W3C Recommendation
R. Albertoni, D. Browning, S. Cox, A. Gonzalez Beltran, A. Perego, P. Winstanley
DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web. This document defines the schema and provides examples for its use. DCAT enables a publish...
CNR@People | Link
2017, Standard
Data on the Web Best Practices.
B. Farias Loscio, C. Burle, N. Calegari (Editors), A. Greiner, A. Isaac, C. Iglesias, C. Laufer, C. Guéret, D. Lee, E. G. Stephan, E. Kauz, G. A. Atemezing, H. Beeman, I. Ibert Bittencourt, J. P. Almeida, M. Dekkers, P. Winstanley, P. Archer, R. Albertoni, S. Purohit and Y. Córdova (Contributors)
This document provides Best Practices related to the publication and usage of data on the Web designed to help support a self-sustaining ecosystem. Data should be discoverable and understandable by hu...
CNR@People | Link
LusTRE Web service
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, R. Woessner, and A Abecker
Set of web services to exploit vocabularies exposed as Linked Datato suppot metadata compilation and data discovery. (part of the result of eENVpuls EU project)
CNR@People | Link
2014, Other product
LusTRE: Linked Thesaurus fRamework for Environment
M. De Martino and R. Albertoni
LusTRE is a multilingual Thesaurus Framework for the Environment developed as part of the European( CIP-ICT-PSP) project eENVplus, "eEnvironmental services for advanced applications within INSPIR...
2012, Software
SSONDE: Semantic Similarity On liNked Data Entities (SOFTWARE)
R. Albertoni
CNR@People | Link
2007, Software
ShapeAnnotator - Multi-segmentation and semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes
Marco Attene, Francesco Robbiano, Michela Spagnuolo, Bianca Falcidieno, Silvia Biasotti, Michela Mortara, Giuseppe Patane, Riccardo Albertorni, Chiara Catalano, Simone Marini
The ShapeAnnotator provides an interactive GUI for the inspection, segmentation and semantic annotation of 3D surface meshes. After loading a mesh and a domain of expertise formalized as an OWL ontolo...
CNR@People | Link