Daniela Cabiddu

Daniela Cabiddu is researcher at IMATI-CNR Genova. She graduated in Computer Science from the University of Cagliari in September 2012, and she received her PhD in Computer Science in March 2016. Her current research focus is on Computer Graphics and Geometry Modeling for geoscience, fabrication and engineering. She is also interested in parallel/distributed computing infrastructures and graphical interfaces. She has worked in several national and EU founded research projects dealing with digital representations of 3D domains, providing solutions to efficiently generate, encode and reuse high-resolution 3D models and possible embedded heterogeneous information. Thanks to IQmulus EU project, she gained expertise in spatial analysis and geographical information systems, while she is gaining knowledge on environmental (specifically water) monitoring methods thanks to the participation to the Interreg-Maritime project MATRAC-ACP. Her current research activities include 3D modeling, representation and analysis of both underground structures and urban/harbour areas. She is also investigating on virtual/augmented reality and holographic technologies for geoscience applications.

Research Activity

Bioinformatics, Computational Geometry, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage, Geometry Processing, GPGPU Computing, Information Visualization, Multimedia and 3D Infrastructure
Parallel Algorithms, Shape Analysis, Shape Description, Shape Modelling, Shape Recognition and Classification








Valutazione progetti Bandi MiSE-FCS - IMATI




2021, Journal article
A Web-Based Solution Supporting CAD Assembly Model Exploration and Analysis
K. Lupinetti, D. Cabiddu, F. Giannini, M. Monti
In the last decades, digital 3D models have substituted 2D technical drawings for the design and development of mechanicalproducts. This results in a huge amount of CAD (computer-aided design) models ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/s42979-021-00853-9
2021, Journal article
Benchmarking the geometrical robustness of a Virtual Element Poisson solver
M.Attene,S. Biasotti, S. Bertoluzza, D. Cabiddu, M. Livesu, G. Patanè, M. Pennacchio, D. Prada, and M. Spagnuolo
Polytopal Element Methods (PEM) allow us solving differential equations on generalpolygonal and polyhedral grids, potentially offering great flexibility to meshgeneration algorithms. Differently from ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2021.07.018
2020, Journal article
Sea Monitoring Made Simple and Efficient
S. Berretta, D. Cabiddu, M. Mortara, and M. Spagnuolo
Remote sensing provides almost global spatial coverage, but with limits in resolution and accuracy. Ground stations, conversely, provide very accurate coverage with high temporal resolution, but spars...

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2019, Journal article
slice2mesh: a Meshing Tool for the Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
M. Livesu, D. Cabiddu, M. Attene
Accurately simulating additive manufacturing (AM) processes is useful to predict printing failures and test 3D printing without wasting precious resources, both in terms of time and material. In AM th...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2019.03.004
2019, Journal article
Surface2Volume: Surface Segmentation Conforming Assemblable Volumetric Partition
C. Araújo, D. Cabiddu, M. Attene, M. Livesu, N. Vining, A. Sheffer
Users frequently seek to fabricate objects whose outer surfaces consist ofregions with different surface attributes, such as color or material. Manufac-turing such objects in a single piece is often c...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1145/3306346.3323004
2017, Journal article
epsilon-maps: Characterizing, detecting and thickening thin features in geometric models
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We focus on the analysis of planar shapes and solid objects having thin features and propose a new mathematical model to characterize them. Based on our model, that we call an is an element of-shape, ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2017.05.014
2017, Journal article
Processing large geometric datasets in distributed environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We describe an innovative Web-based platform to remotely perform complex geometry processing on large triangle meshes. A graphical user interface allows combining available algorithms to build complex...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-54563-8_6
2016, Journal article
A web repository to describe and execute shape oriented workflows
M. Attene, D. Cabiddu, S. Gagliardo, F. Giannini, and M. Monti
The effective use of advanced tools and geometric models across different applications frequentlyrequires model processing to satisfy the application requirements. Besides being time consumingprocesse...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1080/16864360.2016.1150710
2015, Journal article
Large mesh simplification for distributed environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
An algorithm is described to simplify arbitrarily large triangle meshes while leveraging the computing power of modern distributed environments. Our method combines the flexibility of out-of-core (OOC...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2015.05.015
2022, Essay or book chapter
VEM and the Mesh
Tommaso Sorgente, Daniele Prada, Daniela Cabiddu, Silvia Biasotti, Giuseppe Patanè, Micol Pennacchio, Silvia Bertoluzza, Gianmarco Manzini and Michela Spagnuolo
In this work we report some results, obtained within the framework of the ERC Project CHANGE, on the impact on the performance of the virtual element method of the shape of the polygonal elements of t...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-95319-5
2023, Meeting abstracts
Daniela Cabiddu, Michela Mortara, Chiara Romanengo, Andreas Scalas, Alice Bellazzi, Lorenzo Belussi,Ludovico Danza, and Matteo Ghellere
The real assets, procedures, systems,and subsystems of a city can be virtually represented throughan urban digital twin(DT),which integrates heterogeneous data to learn and evolve with the physical ci...

2023, Meeting abstracts
Towards immersive urban digital twins
Brigida Bonino, Daniela Cabiddu, Michela Mortara, Katia Lupinetti, and Simone Pittaluga
Urban digital twins are virtual representations ofphysical systems,subsystems,and processes of a city.The construction of a three-dimensional geometric model of the city provides the basis for the dev...

2022, Conference proceedings
A Graphical Framework to Study the Correlation between Geometric Design and Simulation
D. Cabiddu, G. Patané, and M. Spagnuolo
Partial differential equations can be solved on general polygonal and polyhedral meshes, through Polytopal Element Methods(PEMs). Unfortunately, the relation between geometry and analysis is still unk...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/stag.20221251
2021, Conference proceedings
3D modeling and integration of heterogeneous geo-data
M. Miola, D. Cabiddu, S. Pittaluga, M. Mortara, M. Vetuschi Zuccolini and G. Imitazione
This paper tackles the volumetric representation of geophysical and geotechnical data, gathered during exploration surveysof the subsoil. The creation of a 3D model as support to geological interpreta...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/stag.20211473
2021, Meeting abstracts
A Change of Support Model Optimization for Environmental Monitoring
S. Berretta, D. Cabiddu, M. Mortara, S. Pittaluga and M. Vetuschi Zuccolini
Geometric representations of spatial domains in environmental applications are used to structure, access andrender surveyed data; the survey domain is often represented as a discrete regular grid with...

2021, Meeting abstracts
An innovative sampling strategy for the monitoring of pollutants in harbours
S. Berretta, D. Cabiddu, M. Mortara, S. Pittaluga, M. Spagnuolo, M. Vetuschi Zuccolini

2021, Meeting abstracts
Smart and Efficient Marine Water Monitoring
S. Berretta, D. Cabiddu, S. Pittaluga, M. Mortara, M. Spagnuolo and M. Vetuschi Zuccolini

2019, Conference proceedings
CAD3A: a web-based application to visualize and semantically enhance CAD assembly models
Katia Lupinetti, Daniela Cabiddu, Franca Giannini, Marina Monti
Nowadays, there is a significant interest in new media types such as 3D models. Thanks to the computer graphics advances, 3D content can be rendered in real-time on desktop and mobile...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/SITIS.2019.0008
2019, Conference proceedings
Robotics and adaptive sampling techniques for harbor waters monitoring: the MATRAC-ACP project
Massimo Caccia, (1); Roberta Ferretti, (1); Angelo Odetti, (1); Gabriele Bruzzone, (1); Michela Spagnuolo, (2); Michela Mortara, (2); Serena Berretta, (2); Daniela Cabiddu, (2); Simone Pittaluga, (2); Marino Vetuschi Zuccolini, (3); Lorenzo Brignone, (4); ;
The MATRAC-ACP (Adaptive Real-time monitoringwith sampling automation - Harbor and coastal waters) projectaims at defining innovative water monitoring protocols based onthe use of Unmanned Marine Vehi...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.1109/OCEANSE.2019.8867568
2018, Conference proceedings
Adaptive environmental sampling: The interplay between Geostatistics and Geometry
S. Berretta, D. Cabiddu, S. Pittaluga, M. Mortara, M Spagnuolo, and M. Vetuschi-Zuccolini
In environmental surveys a large sampling effort is required to produce accurate geostatistical maps representing the distributionof environmental variables, and the analysis of each sample is often e...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/stag.20181306
2018, Conference posters
Real-time volumetric modelling based on adaptive sampling of environmental scalar fields derived by uncertainty maps
S. Berretta, D. Cabiddu, S. Pittaluga, M. Mortara, M Spagnuolo, and M. Vetuschi-Zuccolini

2018, Conference proceedings
slice2mesh: meshing sliced data for the simulation of AM Processes
M. Livesu, D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
Accurately simulating Additive Manufacturing (AM) processes is useful to predict printing failures and test 3D printing withoutwasting precious resources, both in terms of time ad material. In AM the ...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.2312/stag.20181294
2015, Conference proceedings
A web repository to describe and execute shape processing workflows
M. Attene, D. Cabiddu, S. Gagliardo, F. Giannini, and M. Monti
Nowadays geometric models are ubiquitous, and models which are created in a given context often need to be reused in different scenarios. In these cases, a pre-processing is typically necessary to ada...

CNR@People | DOI: 10.14733/cadconfP.2015.348-353
2015, Conference proceedings
Distributed processing of large polygon meshes
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
A system is described to remotely perform complex geometry processing on arbitrarily large triangle meshes. Adistributed network of servers provides both the software and hardware necessary to underta...

2014, Meeting abstracts
A web-based distributed system to process large geometric models
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene

2014, Conference proceedings
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We propose a web-based system to remotely and distributedly process triangle meshes. Users can implementcomplex geometric procedures by composing simpler processing tools that, in their turn, can be p...

2018, Technical report
Adaptive sampling of environmental variables (ASEV)
S. Berretta, D. Cabiddu, S. Pittaluga, M. Mortara,M. Spagnuolo, and M. Vetuschi Zuccolini
In environmental surveys a large sampling effort is required to produce accurate geostatistical maps, representingthe distribution of environmental variables and the analysis of each sample is often e...

CNR@People | Link
2018, Project report
Analisi dei protocolli esistenti e linee guida per procedure di monitoraggio innovative delle acque portuali
Barcaro Rosangela 1 Ferretti Roberta 1 Zuccolini Marino 2 Cabiddu Daniela 3 Mortara Michela 3
Project: MATRAC-ACPDeliverable number: Attività T1.1 - Prodotto T1.1.1Deliverable Title: "Analisi dei protocolli esistenti e linee guida per procedure di monitoraggio innovative delle acqu...

2018, Project report
Piano della comunicazione del progetto Monitoraggio Adattivo in Tempo Reale con Automatizzazione del Campionamento - Aree Costiere Portuali - MATRAC ACP
Barcaro Rosangela 1 Caccia Massimo 1 Ferretti Roberta 1 Zuccolini Marino 2 Cabiddu Daniela 3 Mortara Michela 3 Spagnuolo Michela 3
Piano della comunicazione: C.1 - TV, stampa e implementazione sito internet e social media; C.2 - Eventi e realizzazione supporti di comunicazione sul progetto

CNR@People | Link
2015, Working paper
Large Mesh Simplification for Distributed Environments
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
An algorithm is described to simplify arbitrarily large triangle meshes while leveraging the computing power of modern distributedenvironments. Our method combines the flexibility of out-of-core (OOC)...

2014, Technical report
Distributed Triangle Mesh Processing
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene
We propose a web-based system to remotely and distributedly process triangle meshes. Users can im-plement complex geometric procedures by composing simpler processing tools that, in their turn, can be...

2013, Technical report
Geometry processing for biomedical imaging: 3D model representations and multi-modality
D. Cabiddu and M. Attene

2019, Website
Sito web Istituzionale IMATI
M.T. Artese, T. Del Viscio, I. Gagliardi, R. Maggi, D. Cabiddu, and M. Spagnuolo
Struttura e definizione del sito web istituzionale

CNR@People | Link